Tuesday, October 7, 2008

300ml of AB+

It was the first day of work after my 1 week leave. 437 emails uncleared! Okay need to attend to that 1st. Oouch! My back hurts since last 2 nights. Now its worsen. A reminder pops up, blood donation? Today of all day? But a lot of staffs are not back yet from their raya leave? ohh well.. okay got to go for that one too. Wait, you need to have proper breakfast 1st before they allow you to donate your blood. I guess after the 1 month fasting I totally forgot about breakfast in the office. Luckily I have my 3in1 nestum cereal with me. This will have to do. After a quick gulp, I ran down to the lobby. As suspected, turn up was not good compare to previous event bcos many staffs are still on leave. This will be my second time in 2008. The last one was in March. Interval should be at least 5 months. After ticking NO to all diseases, multiple sex partners, tatooing and piercing columns and YES to 'have you had breakfast' and 'good 8hrs sleep' questions in the donation form (actually I slept at 1230am courtesy of kdrama on u tube and woke up at 0530am), I que to have my finger poked for iron test. The doctor asked me to stand on the scale to ensure that my weight is actually reach the authorize level which is 50kg and above which I verbally confirm but still she insist. Ooohh..I'm flattered. I somehow appear thin to her. I must be getting very good in masking all this fat in my body LOL So I'm cleared to donate 300ml of AB+.


Kerry Droll said...

Hi Leo, it seems like you had a very nice vacation - you work hard - you deserve it. I took a sick day a couple of months ago and came back to 276 emails - can you imagine what it would be like if I actually took a week off? lol I hope you have a smooth transition back into the routine. Have a great one!

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Sorry for the delay in coming here, but these last weeks have been hectic; no, I’m not talking about the financial/economic crisis… ;))
AB+ lucky universal receptor/happy donor...
Meanwhile Blogtrotter has posted its 200th post and moved to Mykonos! Hope you enjoy! Have a great Sunday!