Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Idul Fitri 08 in pictures

Managed to finish this last weekend. Memories of the recent raya. Everyone in their best attire except hubby who left his newly bought 'baju melayu' at home so had to borrow one (top only) from my father in law. He finally able to show off his new purple 'baju melayu' during his office raya gathering (not in pic).


Kim said...

Hi! How are you? Hope you are feeling better and things are going smoother at work. Loved your ceremonial video, very beautiful. Can you tell more about it? What is raya?

PS I have TAGGED you on my blog :)

Kerry Droll said...

That is very enjoyable - beautiful music you chose and everyone looks great!

leo said...

Kim - raya or eid mubarak/idul fitr is a 1 month celebration in the month of Syawal (Islamic calendar) for Muslims after our holy month of Ramadhan where muslim fast from dawn to twilight. It's a big national holiday here in Malaysia. Nowadays the 'open house' concept originated from raya is adapted by other religion/culture celebration too, so we get to visit friends on their celebration days and taste good food :))