Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kamsahamnida (Thank you) - K drama

A while back I finished watching the last episode of the said K drama. Between the raya leaves, I only managed to catch about the last 10 episodes on telly and the rest from YouTube. Without subtitling (on YT)and with very limited Korean vocabs - I understood the story just by looking at their body language. Hah!! As if ... LOL (but that's what I told hubby when he saw me watching without the English subs)
Apparently my Kak Long (eldest sis in law aka Queen of K Drama with original DVD collection to boot) already watched it and she gave her stamp of approval on this one too.
I like this one bcos the main actor character stay true to his original profession althou' he no longer practise professionally. For those not in the know, K drama characters often tend to forgo completely their past lives usually after they experienced some life threatening/changing situation. First episode is usually crucial bcos the time difference between the 1st and 2nd episodes can go between 2-5 years! The main actors usually become a different person altogether by 2nd episode!
Anyways not this one. The main actor stick to being a corky, intelligent, dangerous and kind hearted (in his own way) doctor thru-out (and handsome too :)

So here's a snippet. Except for the main actress (who played with Rain in Sangdoo go to School), I dont know anybody else.

And what is korean drama without the song? Yes, I love the song too.


GMG said...

Hi Leo! For the first time in your blog, it's all Greek for me... ;))
Not a single idea of what K drama is!
Meanwhile Blogtrotter just said goodbye to Mykonos 2007!! It shows the famous sunset scene at Little Venice, and the Pelican mascot of the island… ;)
Hope you enjoy, comment and have a great weekend!

GMG said...

Hi Leo, everything fine?
Blogtrotter is now strolling somewhere around the Holy See of Echmiadzin. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!