Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yeah, I know I havent been blogging enough. I am sick on every weekend. What a bummer! It's like I channeled all my energy at work place from Mon-Fri and it will takes it toll come Saturday. No, make that Friday evening where everywhere hurts. So far I've been to the clinic three times on three weekends! And today, I'm coughing badly and I already lost my voice since yesterday. I have a guest at work from Jakarta (which I dont even know I have until at the very last minute approx. 2hrs before I met him) which I have to entertain on Thursday. After briefing him about the unit and our workflow (Jakarta wants to adapt our system)for about 1.5hrs -I finally lost my voice, grrreat!!
One of my 3 months employed staff, resigned early of this month. She cant take the workload and mental pressure. So we are understaff. I received substantial number of resumes from internal staffs to take over her place but I'm not too keen in making haste decision to replace her simply bcos I really want to get the right candidate this time. So meanwhile my current workload suffers bcos I breakout the job scope into two and devide it between me and another staff.
My eldest son Danish, will be sitting for his finals next week. So when you came back from work half dead, cant even open your eyes bcos you've been staring at the computer almost 11hrs (yeah, nowadays I dont even go for lunch) but you know you have to still use the balance of willpower to go thru his revision books (dictating what to go thru, revise and what not) but I always am not able to keep my side of the bargain which is to make sure I mark his work on time bcos I always fell asleep. It's not easy to mark school work done by a Standard Four student nowadays you know. Especially the BM and Science lessons. It requires full brain juice which most of the time especially in these few weeks - mine had already reach its Empty level by the time I reach home. Poor boy!
The family had several raya open house invitations over the past weeks and so far we managed to go to 3 out of 6. My office alone had 3 different functions yesterday and I only could make time for one. Last night, my family went to another open house hosted by an old friend of mine. I dont feel like hassling the host to provide me with warm water since she was quite busy entertaining her other guests as well, so I drank the cold orange juice provided. And since last night, I've been coughing non-stop. Oh well...


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Didn't I made a comment on this post? Thought so... ;)
Hope you saved some energy to enjoy the weekend!
Want to have a look at a magic place: Delos, Apollo’s birthplace and home to Dionysus sanctuary? Blogtrotter has it! ;))
Hope you like it!

Kerry Droll said...

So sorry you haven't been feeling well - we work so hard for the weekend and we are either too tired or sick to enjoy it. Be sure to give yourself a little time for you to heal.