Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

"But I am a werewolf" he said unwillingly. "He's a vampire," he added in revulsion. "And I am a Virgo, " Bella shouted in exasperation.
I am both joy and sad.

In joy bcos I have finished reading Eclipse ... and sad bcos of the same reason.
This is the third book of the Twillight saga and so far I like this one the best.

One's preference for any particular book is subjective ... very much like admiring beauty (in the eye of the beholder).

Since I'm a sucker for anything romantic and happily ever after so its not hard to understand why I enjoyed the book. Watching Twillight the movie helped me to visualise each character in the book and how their facial expression would be every time a dialogue is being uttered. Some characters are new, but with the second movie schedule in Nov 09 and the listing of new casts even as far as the 3rd movie (courtesy of a friend who bought the HFM mag and told me about the 3rd installment of the saga -I'm overjoyed), so it's not hard for me to put a face to every character. Sort of making my own video in my head while reading the book.

I dont want the book to end. I kept my pace slow but with today being a Saturday, I finished reading half the book till the end. And now contemplating on whether or not I should get the 4th book, so soon. Maybe I should give it a rest first and read other titles (easily said than done, especially when I'm in one of those phase -sighhhh). Indeed, patient is a virtue.

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