Saturday, May 30, 2009

Passing of a friend

Mahani was an ex-schoolmate of both hubby and me. I last met her in November last year when we both sent our children to a holiday camp, organised by another ex-schoolmate in Putrajaya. She looked fine and happy.

She passed away last Tuesday. She was my age and she had a stroke.

Earlier at noon, I received an email in the office saying that she was admitted to a hospital. Soon in the evening, we received a text message saying that she had undergone a third surgery and that her artery had ruptured.
She didnt make it and passed away at about 11pm.

My friend was a mother of a nine year old math/science whiz girl and a one year old baby boy. Had been complaining to close friends about overwhelming stress that she's facing at work. And now she's no longer here. She also took with her, a 5 month old unborn baby.

Most of us, her ex schoolmates still dont know what to make of .. all these details about her death. I've been repeating these limited info that I had to other friends whom emailed me from London and even Washington. Well, at least now I'm communicating with some of my long (fortunately not lost) friends ... I said to myself.

Again, when tragedy strike I'm being reminded to take care of myself physically and emotionally first in order to take care of people I love - Love thy self; Call, hug, text those we cherish; Don't wait till tomorrow - for it may be too late.


Kerry Droll said...

Hi Leo - so sorry I haven't checked in for a while and I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. It's a valuable lesson to remember to take care of ourselves to be there for those we love.

leo said...

Kerry, no worries bout me. I was actually waiting for your blog update but since I dont see any that's why I dropped by just post a hello. That's when I saw you have updated your twitter instead. Guess all is well wt u. Take care. TX for dropping by.