Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shadow of Ashland by Terence M. Green

I had to take care of some family matter back at my hometown. After several days of trying to fit hubby's and children schedule into my plan, I finally decided to go back on my own so hubby can take care of the children tuition classes etc. I took the express bus after 14 years ...
The 4hrs ride back to hometown was quite nostalgic for me bcos it reminds me of how (usually) my father will wait for me at the other end of the journey. This time it was my mother who waited for me at the bus station in Lumut.

The book above accompanied me. The story was short, simple and coincidently match my present life situation. Life and death. Inevitable fact of life but doesn't make it less shocking. I finished the book within the weekend.

1 comment:

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Difficult times… We know it's an inevitable fact of life, but we are never prepared to face it...

Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, now showing Kaunas. Never heard about it? ;) Enjoy and have a great weekend!