Tuesday, July 31, 2007

MyVi or Tambi vs Bumble Bee

The whole family went to see Transformers again. Except for Angah, yesterday was our second time. Still it was awesome to me. And this time I managed to understand the flow of the story much better. Since Danish (9 year old) is claiming that Optimus Prime is him so Danial (5 year old) is trying hard to tell me that the cute, yellow Bumble Bee is him. So when the character appeared, he quickly said ‘Mama that’s MyVi’. I quickly corrected him while trying so hard to suppress my laughter. But Danial kept forgetting the name that Angah kept teasing him with MyVi even when we are having our late lunch after the movie. Danial was very annoyed. And I added to his misery when I told him, if Bumble Bee is too hard to remember maybe we can change it to ‘tambi’ instead. Actually there is another joke associate with the word ‘tambi’ involving my youngest son.

We were at Jusco. Danish and Danial were entertaining themselves by playing ‘splinter cell’ a spy game which they love to play whenever we are out shopping. Suddenly Danial with a serious face came to look for his father and said ‘Pa those guys are bad’ while gesturing at 2-3 young Indian salesmen. Why, my husband asked. They kept saying bad words to me, exclaimed my 5 year old. Angah asked like what word? With a straight and serious face Danial answered ‘they keep saying to me tambi, tambi'. Both me and Angah were laughing so hard that we really confused the poor boy. Tambi is a tamil word for small brother but my son thought that the boys were trying to call him names.

So now again we are laughing our heads off. MyVi or Tambi as oppose to Bumble Bee. Even Danial was laughing too this time.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pak Su in ICU

I don’t know what it is with this few weeks. I’ve been hearing and getting one sad news after another. We received the news that Pak Su has been admitted to ICU last Monday. Pak Su is Angah’s youngest aunt’s husband. In short he is our uncle. He’s an artist. A passionate man about performing art and drama. Acted in a few dramas before. He’s very rugged and cool. Even after he fell sick and we went to visit, Pak Su with his walking cane still can cracked a few jokes or passed one or two of his sarcastic remarks.

From Mak Su’s description, it sounded like Pak Su had an acute bladder infection that landed him in ICU. We heard he didn’t recognize anybody but today he seemed to be more alert and aware of his surroundings. We had to take turn to see him in the ICU. Only two at a time. My father-in law came out from the room, so it was my turn. Went straight to the last room and turn right, that was the instruction given to me. He’s at the last bed. I arrived at his bed. Saw my mother in law reciting some doa at his ear. I looked up and saw him. My mother in law was saying something to me but I barely hear her. When did Pak Su turned so frail and old? It’s like he only has skin and bone on him. I can’t believe my eyes. I don’t know whether he sees me or not or whether he recognize me or not but I walked quickly behind my mother in law and hid myself. I don’t want him to see me nor do I want him to recognize me bcos I just can’t stop my tears. I don’t want him to see me crying. I’m supposed to be strong here for this poor man who is so sick but instead there I was crying. I suddenly realized that my mother in law was telling me that Pak Su signaled with his hands that he wanted us to pray for him. I tried but I can’t. I was in a mess. I saw a few nurses and a doctor from other bed was glancing at me. I told my mother in law I’m sorry but I have to leave the room. She knew I couldn’t take it and nodded. So with tears pouring and without saying goodbye to Pak Su, I walked out from there.

I walked as fast as I can. Before reaching the exit door, I steadied myself, took some tissue paper out and dapped my eyes. I don’t want to sadden Mak Su. Angah saw me first and commented ‘that was fast’. I just shook my head and said I can’t. And the tears started again. Thank goodness Mak Su was used to such emotional outburst from other family members who came to visit.

For the rest of the visiting hour I just stayed outside. I pray that Pak Su will get well soon and that he’s family will be strong for him and each other.

For the rest of us, the same message again 'visit, see, call/phone, write, email, say hi - to friends and family members, more often -life is short, treasure it'.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In memory of Dr. Fatimah, Prof Jai & Dr. Nazri

I received Dr. Henry’s (send to all) email on Monday morning. I thot it was just another issue either about bird flu or maybe some pig farming dispute or perhaps another veterinary convention where he is the chairing committee. But I was wrong. Dr. Henry was writing about his friend, (the late) Dr. Fatimah.

I shot an email to all my fellow (vets) classmates yesterday asking for confirmation. Not until today, that I received several confirmation. It is true that my ex-lecturer Dr. Fatimah had passed away last weekend, apparently due to a fall in the bathroom. Innalillalah wa innalillah hirajiun. But emails from my ex-classmates revealed more tragic news. Dr. Fatimah was not the only one who left us this year, both Dr. Nazri and Prof. Jai also passed away early this year. The former whom was a keen sportsman had a heart attack after a game of squash. While Prof. Jai was in a coma in the hospital before he passed away. Since I am out from the veterinary circle so it is not so surprising that I didn’t get the news earlier. Nevertheless, some friends whom are more or less in the similar line but not in the academic circle also confessed that they have no idea either.

I can remember vividly an incident with Prof Jai. It was during a practical where the task was to collect semen sample from a bull. All of us students were squatting down behind and around this huge bull. Everybody acted busy. Preparing gadgets and tools to be use for the sample collection. If you don’t have a task at hand, just pretending you are discussing about the day’s task. Nobody wants to attract attention to themselves. In simple terms, nobody wants Prof Jai to ‘see’ them. Maybe I was in a good mood that day that I smiled too much or maybe I was in a fouled mood that I scowled too much that it showed on my face or maybe I was just plain unlucky…but I heard Prof Jai called out my name to the amusements of my fellow classmates.

My scowl deepened. Prof Jai smiled sweetly and said you can have the honor. Everybody knows that before you can collect the bull semen you need to first stimulate the bull. So there I was squatting down under a bull and massaging its huge penis… to err..arouse it?!? And I’m not kidding okay!! Those were the days…

These former lecturers of mine were very outstanding individuals. No doubt their demise has left a tremendous lost to the veterinary field both local and abroad.

An email from a former coursemate recalled his last encounter with the late Dr. Fatimah, a few weeks ago when they were accompanied by Dr. Aziz to visit another former lecturer Dr. Salam who is suffering from Parkinson. It was a fun and memorable outing according to him. And it was the last time he met Dr. Fatimah.

So morale of the story is 'see, meet up, visit, say hi, call those whom you love and care about more often'. Life is short.

To Dr. Fatimah, Prof. Jai and Dr. Nazri, thank you for your guidance, dedication and invaluable knowledge. May you rest in peace and may Allah bless your souls. Amen.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Good night John Boy

About 5 days ago, I finished reading Fly Away Peter. It’s a story about letting go and getting on with life. Storyline is good, characters are unique and cleverly intertwine but I must confess that I skipped the lines whenever the language becomes too descriptive. I’m just too impatience to read its flowery language.

I also finished Sophie Kinsella’s ‘The Undomestic Goddess’ last night. It mentioned about the Walton’s. I remember that TV series. The ever so famous script - good night grandma, night mary allen, good night john boy. Back then, there was nothing much to watch on the tube at late night. I used to be the last one who off the TV long after everybody has gone to sleep and it’s usually after the end of Walton’s. I don’t enjoy the book as much as I think I would. Maybe it’s bcos I read too much of the same genre already.

Okay, so to break the monotony, I’m getting myself to read Wally Lamb’s (I know this much is true). I bought this book in February last year. Sadly to say, this is my third attempt to read the book. In all three attempts, I didn’t even manage to pass to chapter two. The furthers I read was page 7. So I’m going to start all over again from page 1 and I have 891 pages to go.

Here goes…

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Transformers 'rock'

The boyz and me had the chance to watch this movie last Saturday and it was awesome!!! Angah wasn't with us bcos he had to go to Jakarta for his company's incentive trip. I tried to secure tickets for Friday nite show but there was no nite show. Even our 12 noon tickets on Saturday were among the last few. The boyz n me had a blast or rather both Danish n me enjoyed the movie very much. My 5 yr old aka Danial was excited initially that he get to see the movie, was still excited when we bought the pop corns and all but just under 20 minutes or so, he already asked me when the movie is going to end!!??

The robots animation are totally out of this world. Bumble bee is sooooo...adorable and cute for such a tough robot. After the movie, any object in bright yellow reminds me of Bumble bee ie. the auto pay parking machine. I imagine that anytime it can transform into a robot ^_^

Anyways I wanna watch it again!!! so does Danish. So today we persuaded Angah to see it. Went to One U to try to catch the 4pm show but no luck. Both theatres TGV and GSC were sold out. Hopefully soon, we can watch it again.

A remark printed on the movie's ad in the newspaper, I quote 'Die, die must watch 10 times' unquote. I agree, I agree

Ugly gastritis

I was on MC last Friday. This was my first in 2007. I didn't take any in 2006. On Thursday noon my stomach already shown some sort of sign that something is wrong with it. I thought it was just heart burn but on Friday morning it's still there. Went to a GP, she confirmed it was gastritis. It was not like my usual attack, that's why I refused to think that it was gastritis. Usually my gastritis attack is unmerciful. Anybody who has the unfortunate opportunity to be with me during my legendary gastritis attack can never forget it. One of my ex, ex boss unfortunately did some 6 years ago and he still remembered the event. It was that UGLY!!!

Even as I entered the doc's room I was still trying to figure out what I ate wrong that has contribute to it but the doctor pointed out that maybe I was under a lot of stress. That too can trigger gastritis. Come to think of it, I was under a lot of pressure lately and I was just too preoccupied to notice. Work and family problem, can be a lethal combination to one's health.

I spent my MC day reading and sleeping. I'm much better now.

My M.I.A key pal

In the olden days, we used to have pen pals. Friends in far off land whom you write to via snail mail. I used to have one from Brazil, her name is Ana Maria. So nowadays what do you call a friend whom you email to? How about key pal (keyboard pal)? ^_^

Anyways, I was writing to one just last week. He's from South Korea but he is based here in KL. I was answering to his questions and queries about wanting to learn more bout Msia and its culture. We got to a great start where we talked about food, he even sent me a current hit song in S. Korea since both both of us as I came to learn enjoy Korean drama and music. When we came to the ninth email, he wanted to know more about my race, age, what i do etc. So I told him my age (my real age) and my status as a mother of two...and he stopped replying to my email. He sort of disappear, in other words -missing in action (MIA). Either he has something better to do or I scared him off or maybe he had other intentions originally and figured he won't be able to achieve it by communicating with someone like me. Hmm..so much of exchanging and understanding culture differences...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

and to Him we return

Just got back from a visit to a friend's house whose father just passed away this afternoon. Actually it was Angah's childhood friends Lock from KJ. But I knew both him and his wife. We last met Lock's father was during last year's Aidilfitri at Lock's new house. Apparently the father sufferred bone cancer since 1999. He had his blood tranfusion earlier today but suffered a heart attack in the afternoon and past away about half past five today.

Since Angah grew up with Lock in the same neighbourhood so he had many fond memories of Arwah (the deceased) which I knew so well bcos Angah kept telling me the stories.

After reciting doa and yasin we left.

May Allah bless his soul. Amen.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Fly Me to the Moon

I’m a sucker. Sucker for books!!!! I’m still in the midst of reading ‘Fly Away Peter’ by Stevie Morgan and they are 3 other unread novels in my books collection show off cum storage for everything else cupboard. And yet I bought another one in MPH yesterday.

Well it’s actually 2 books in one for RM35.90. Don’t sound too bad isn’t it? I sooo want to get the Temple (about the same genre as Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code) at the same price but since I’ve already spent on 6 months stock of contact lens + Bibah’s new pair of glasses (Danial sat on her glasses which I last bought) + Halim’s flight ticket to Kuching and not to mention mak abah‘s hotel fee which I have yet to book. So after doing my math, I’ve decided to get the 2 in 1 book which will not make me feel too guilty.

Oh yeah, while I was in MPH yesterday, I saw a book entitled Fly Me to the Moon. Is there a song by the same title or come to think of it maybe its in the lyric? I can't get it off my head. I kept singing that phrase and humming the rest of the song till this morning. Was it by Frank Sinatra? ...here I go again...fly me to the moon..mmm..mmm..in other words...darling be true...in other words...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Report card day

Took half day from work today bcos I need to go Danish's school to pick up his report card. As I sat there, waiting in que with other parents for my turn and watched my son 'controlled' behaviour in the class (bcos I was outside); it brings back memory where I had my father waited outside the class to see my teacher.

The most vivid memory was when I was in Form Five. Nineteen years ago. It was for my trial exam results whereby I failed my BM paper bcos I forgot to write the question number. Everybody knew it was a BIG no-no. If I remembered correctly, I got 55 for the paper (which suppose to qualify me for a pass) but they minus 10 more marks due to my carelessness. My normal marks for BM is usually doesn't exceed 52. If marks were not minus, that could actually be my highest mark yet. Anyways, if you fail your BM paper, you fail all.

I was so terrified that my father don't understand why I got the number I got and its not bcos I didn't do well in other subjects. But most of all, I was so afraid that I failed him. But it turned out okay. My father understood perfectly well, thanks to my class teacher whom explained it superbly to my father. Most importantly, I didn't see that hurt look that your daughter don't live up to your expectation look. Instead he gave me the encouragement that he knew I can do well and better in the final exam which I did.

So today its my turn, to act like a mature and supportive parent to my eldest son.
With that playing in my mind, I walked in to meet my 9 year old son's class teacher. He still has many more years, many more tests and exams ahead of him.