Sunday, July 22, 2007

My M.I.A key pal

In the olden days, we used to have pen pals. Friends in far off land whom you write to via snail mail. I used to have one from Brazil, her name is Ana Maria. So nowadays what do you call a friend whom you email to? How about key pal (keyboard pal)? ^_^

Anyways, I was writing to one just last week. He's from South Korea but he is based here in KL. I was answering to his questions and queries about wanting to learn more bout Msia and its culture. We got to a great start where we talked about food, he even sent me a current hit song in S. Korea since both both of us as I came to learn enjoy Korean drama and music. When we came to the ninth email, he wanted to know more about my race, age, what i do etc. So I told him my age (my real age) and my status as a mother of two...and he stopped replying to my email. He sort of disappear, in other words -missing in action (MIA). Either he has something better to do or I scared him off or maybe he had other intentions originally and figured he won't be able to achieve it by communicating with someone like me. much of exchanging and understanding culture differences...

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