Monday, July 23, 2007

Good night John Boy

About 5 days ago, I finished reading Fly Away Peter. It’s a story about letting go and getting on with life. Storyline is good, characters are unique and cleverly intertwine but I must confess that I skipped the lines whenever the language becomes too descriptive. I’m just too impatience to read its flowery language.

I also finished Sophie Kinsella’s ‘The Undomestic Goddess’ last night. It mentioned about the Walton’s. I remember that TV series. The ever so famous script - good night grandma, night mary allen, good night john boy. Back then, there was nothing much to watch on the tube at late night. I used to be the last one who off the TV long after everybody has gone to sleep and it’s usually after the end of Walton’s. I don’t enjoy the book as much as I think I would. Maybe it’s bcos I read too much of the same genre already.

Okay, so to break the monotony, I’m getting myself to read Wally Lamb’s (I know this much is true). I bought this book in February last year. Sadly to say, this is my third attempt to read the book. In all three attempts, I didn’t even manage to pass to chapter two. The furthers I read was page 7. So I’m going to start all over again from page 1 and I have 891 pages to go.

Here goes…

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