Sunday, July 22, 2007

Transformers 'rock'

The boyz and me had the chance to watch this movie last Saturday and it was awesome!!! Angah wasn't with us bcos he had to go to Jakarta for his company's incentive trip. I tried to secure tickets for Friday nite show but there was no nite show. Even our 12 noon tickets on Saturday were among the last few. The boyz n me had a blast or rather both Danish n me enjoyed the movie very much. My 5 yr old aka Danial was excited initially that he get to see the movie, was still excited when we bought the pop corns and all but just under 20 minutes or so, he already asked me when the movie is going to end!!??

The robots animation are totally out of this world. Bumble bee is sooooo...adorable and cute for such a tough robot. After the movie, any object in bright yellow reminds me of Bumble bee ie. the auto pay parking machine. I imagine that anytime it can transform into a robot ^_^

Anyways I wanna watch it again!!! so does Danish. So today we persuaded Angah to see it. Went to One U to try to catch the 4pm show but no luck. Both theatres TGV and GSC were sold out. Hopefully soon, we can watch it again.

A remark printed on the movie's ad in the newspaper, I quote 'Die, die must watch 10 times' unquote. I agree, I agree

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