Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ugly gastritis

I was on MC last Friday. This was my first in 2007. I didn't take any in 2006. On Thursday noon my stomach already shown some sort of sign that something is wrong with it. I thought it was just heart burn but on Friday morning it's still there. Went to a GP, she confirmed it was gastritis. It was not like my usual attack, that's why I refused to think that it was gastritis. Usually my gastritis attack is unmerciful. Anybody who has the unfortunate opportunity to be with me during my legendary gastritis attack can never forget it. One of my ex, ex boss unfortunately did some 6 years ago and he still remembered the event. It was that UGLY!!!

Even as I entered the doc's room I was still trying to figure out what I ate wrong that has contribute to it but the doctor pointed out that maybe I was under a lot of stress. That too can trigger gastritis. Come to think of it, I was under a lot of pressure lately and I was just too preoccupied to notice. Work and family problem, can be a lethal combination to one's health.

I spent my MC day reading and sleeping. I'm much better now.

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