Sunday, August 12, 2007

Wally Lambs: I know this much is true

I bought this particular book in February 2006. Only get to start reading it now. Progressing very slow, I must say. A lot got to do with me getting very stressful at work that each time I come home all I wanna do is hit the bed. Secondly, Danish will be sitting for his school test next week so I have to check his school work and check the work that I asked him to do. Thirdly, the writings are small and it has about 900 pages!!

I have about another 700 odd more pages to go.


Sunkyoung said...

Thank you for dropping by my blog. I saw you're a big fan of Korean songs. Have you come to Korea before?

leo said...

Hi there Sunkyoung, thanx for visiting mine. No I've never been to Korea before. It's in my next destination list to visit along with Japan (if it ever materialise). So your blog, really help me to know the city Seoul and what's more you write in English!! n yes, I love Korean and French songs!

Alma said...

Oooh, I've read this one.
A very strange book, but I liked it. That much I remember

leo said...

Hi alma, agree. Very strange book. Many flashbacks and characters. I'm just at page 176!