Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Gastronomic affair

Okay this entry is going to be about food, glorious food. I had so much of good food these pass few weeks that my blog had more or less turn to food review by yours truly. I hope this trend is not going to last or my waist line will suffer and trust me it is already in danger. If it's not my waist line then its my glucose level. The last time I checked it was at borderline. Gosh!

So we drove back to my parent's place last Friday. On the way, we stopped for lunch at at Tanjong Malim's Yik Mun, an outlet which was made famous by its 'pau'(buns with fillings either with chicken/beef/coconut/red bean/sweet 'kaya').

After much persuasion, my kids agreed to order fried rice. If it was left to them, they wouldn't want to eat anything at all. When the fried rice arrived, the portion was big that it can even feed a third person. Luckily the children were sharing a plate. Both me and hubby ordered chicken chop. I surprised myself bcos after last night's BBQ I thought I had enough of chicken but apparently my taste bud and stomach thought other wise.

Just look at the portion! When it arrived, both hubby and I were looking at each other and said we should have ordered just one...Nevertheless we still managed to finish it. No matter how difficult, I just cannot make myself waste food, especially good food. And this chicken chop was thhhaaat good! And that ladies&gentlemen has always been the problem with me. *sigh*

Dinner time - my mom cooked ox bone soup for us. We had a feast. The bone is as huge as Danial's knee cap!!
Another sweet attraction that has never failed to lure me over and over again is cendol. Sweet dessert. Love it, love it, love it. This is in Sitiawan (check out the cendol man attire!!)

The next day, on our drive back home, we didn't take the usual highway. Instead we took the trunk road which passed Kuala Selangor, a place famous for its seafood, cheap seafood. So we stopped for early dinner. Beautiful sight, breezy atmosphere, hungry stomachs & tasty, tasty crabs. Emm..yummy indeed.

Oooh my waistline...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is a very nice pic of ur hubby and son!!
and foods look fantastic!!!!