Sunday, January 27, 2008

Shadow of your smile by Tony Bennett & Juannes

I tried very hard to find a solo version of this song but couldn't. Like many beautiful ever green songs, it has been sung by many. Nonetheless this is good too. Tony Bennett is such a legend but Juannes? Well he is famous alright especially to the Spanish music fans. But his song is famous in the local scene too, right here amongst the Malay music lovers. Ring any bell yet? If no, need not worry, I will reveal the answer to that trivia in my next entry. He! He! I sound like one of those who wants to be a millionaire host. Meanwhile here's that hauntingly beautiful song. Goce (enjoy - in Spanish)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shutter bug in me

Early this year I bought myself another camera phone. So I've been busy experimenting. Still struggling with the setting.

I shot these in Sunway Pyramid (shopping mall). The mirrored ceiling is beautiful.

My first attempted on Korean noodle at Pavillion KL, quite some time ago. It was something like spicy beef noodle. Hubby said it tasted like ... maggi curry. What a spoiler :p I tried to convinced myself otherwise but I guess yes it did taste like one. Hmmm..

KL's favourite icon.

So brace for more shutter bug in me episodes :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Holy-Holi day

as shown in Star230108; cartoon/pic by reggie lee

It suppose to be a working day today for us in the Federal Territory but as declared on Monday, we too get a public holiday on Thaipusam Day!

That's the beauty of living in a multiracial country. I think the picture above says it all. The happiest person who lauded our PM's decision is a Chinese guy whose most probably like the rest of us who doesn't celebrate the festival but rejoice nonetheless! Anything to stay one day away from the office, yippee!!

I'm expecting laddu or other sweet delicacy from my friends tomorrow when I return to the office. Mind you, I already received two container of Chinese New Year biscuits. Oh the joy of festivals!! Happy Thaipusam and Holiday everybody!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Last Farewell (live) by Big Bang

I have to start this post with a warning. If you are used to my music post and how most of the songs are somewhat soothing to the ear, well this one is totally the opposite!! This song occuppied the top 3 positions in korean music billboard for the end of 2007. It's from the group called Big Bang. Their songs are like the ones people thought my sons would more likely to appreciate, but in this case its me, their mom :-D. The first time I saw the video was on Channel V and a few LIVE performances later courtesy of KBS channel in their Music Bank show, I was hooked. The song sort of grow on you. So if you don't like loud, hip hop, rap song, take my advice -don't play the video.
For the rest of us 'forever young' (at least in the heart ^_^) people -here's the live version- enjoy!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cruel Love

I am hit by the k-drama bug again. This time its the above said drama. I try to limit watching K dramas to the ones acted by actors whom I know or there will be no end to it (it can get pretty addictive, once you've start to watch). This time around I know both the leading actors from previous dramas which I watched before. Kwon San Woo from Stairway to Heaven and Sad Love Story while Kim Sung Soo from Full House.
So now me and another girl in the office is trying to influence 2 other colleagues to watch the drama too so both of us don't feel so guilty of investing time in watching dramas on tv :D plus it would be more fun having a lot more people to include in our morning topic of discussion. Ha!Ha!
Cruel Love is now airing in Astro KBS Channel # 303 every Monday & Tuesday @ 0900pm. (so there goes my reading and blogging time)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend breakfast

What I like most about weekend is breakfast. Why doesn't it come as a surprise that I should think about food? Ha!Ha! Anyways, I'm quite a morning person. Not really that early but early than most people I know esp. my husband. So to wake up early and have a hearty breakfast is a perfect way to start a beautiful weekend day. My daily breakfast at the office is so boring. 2 toast with jam (packed from home) with a mug of hot Neslo - Nescafe + Milo (made in the pantry). I have the same menu almost everyday except sometimes on Friday where I go down to the cafe to get myself either tosai or egg & red bean. Sometimes, no make that most of the time - I dont even get to finish my drink only to realise just before lunch that I still have the morning drink unfinished. That's why I sooo looking forward to weekend breakfast with my family, where I can take my own sweet time to enjoy the food and the day. And today is such a day. Hmmm...heaven. Has anyone ever try eating half boiled egg with otak-otak? (*wicked, wicked smile*)...ooohh it is sooo delicious!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Amber Room

Am reading this now. The pace is not as fast as Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code or Angels & Demons but still better than my Old Girl Network which I found so hard to finish its 58 last pages. So I didnt. Instead I picked up Steve Berry's book and hopefully, one fine day get to finish OGN. This book is about a long lost collection of valuable items during Nazi's invasion in Rusia dubbed Amber Room. I don't quite like the leading female character aka the Judge aka Rachel. However the villains are interesting. Started the book last 2 weeks. Didnt get to read it yet this week, hopefully I will able to finish its remaining 90 pages by this weekend.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday 15-01-08

Today is my hubby's birthday. SMSes and calls were pouring in since early morning wishing him happy birthday. The children prepared a birthday card for their papa since last weekend. Hubby even had his favourite chocolate banana secret recipe cake from colleagues in his office. Our family had a small dinner celebration at Jack's Place (again). Twice for me, the first for everybody else. Hubby enjoyed his mixed grill but my baked kurau was quite salty (and it suppose to be their signature dish??). I didnt take any dessert bcos I was craving for Starbuck's latte since last week so I got it after our dinner. Since the children are having school tomorrow so we end the night early.
Happy Birthday to my dearest once again. Muah!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

2008 begins

Today is already the 10th day of January. How time flies! I was in 2 days training in Port Dickson. This is the first time I ever drove all the way out station on my own!! This is the last module of the 3 parts training sessions and to end it we must come out with a proposal which will be presented to the senior management. Bummer!! My 2nd save/reduce cost assignment is still pending and now this...I keep telling myself, don't procrastinate - do it now! do it now! But at the end, I stayed up till 4am in the morning to get it 95% done and the next day drove all the way to PD at 0730am. Crazy or what!
Training was fun but tiring. All of us had so much work to do in the office before the next financial year starts in Feb, so it took the trainer all he had to shift our mind back to the training. That night we were shown a 40 min video called Everest and to my horror, I cannot stopped my tears. Luckily it was dark and I kept stuffing tissue to my face.
I had the room to myself. Had an early night. Not sure what time I fell asleep, bcos went I woke up, the TV was still tune to National Geographic channel and all the lights were on and I had Steve Barry book on my face. To make matter worse, it was only 0053hr. I'm not use to sleeping in a hotel room on my own. Luckily I managed to fall back asleep again. I heard the next day that the guys were out at the hotel pub till 0200am. No wonder us girls don't see them during breakfast!! It was too early for them.
It was pouring hard when I drove back to KL. I made it safely. My 2 boys were jumping up and down when they saw me. They so not use to having their mom going somewhere far for work. And I'm glad to be home.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another one fr. Egypt

A colleague got back from 2 weeks holiday in the land of pharoahs and pyramids. But I'm the lucky one. He got me this and a Christmas card from Egypt. I'm estatic. So to the wall of fame on my fridge it went. 73 and counting.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mooing the town folks

I spotted these cows in front of a Starhill when I went there last week. By the way, I found the french song on its website rather charming. I'm not quite sure why the cows were there but they sure add color to the holiday spirit then.
I survived work and office today. In short the post holiday mood. Phew!! Now have to tune back my brain, body and soul to work after all the shopping ... err window shopping, eating and web surfing. Tomorrow, the boys are returning to school. No more PS2, late sleeping, lazying around. Well, best of luck to us all. May the force be with us ^_^ Amen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Goodbye 007, Hello 008

Happy New Year everyone!!!

For the past 2 years, I didn't last till midnight. I'd be sleeping and woke up in the morning when it's already the new year. But this year, I managed to stay awake. My family's so called celebration on new year's eve was to climb the small hill near our house where the playground is at a quarter to midnight and watched 'from a distance' all the fireworks that exploded all around the city (the boys do this every year with their father whilst I asleep at home). It was a 360 view where we saw altogether from far 6 fireworks!! But the highlight of the eve was when some neighbour put up a show on the hill with fireworks of their own. I must say the kids were pretty thrilled, okay I admit ... so did the parents! We then proceed to the neighbourhood's mamak stall for teh tarik (tea) and garlic naan (hungry after all the excitement!)

A lot of good things had happened to me in 2007, both personal and career wise. But personally, 2007 will be remembered as the year I discovered Bi Rain and blogging. My insane obsession of the former subject and my family tolerance and support towards it. And of cos' there were plenty of unpleasant and stressful events but ... hey that's life. But in all, 2007 had been kind to my family and me. And for that I'm grateful and thankful to God and people around me.

New year resolution? Mmm ... to blog more perhaps? Ha! Ha! I'm afraid I don't have any significant one. I gave up on it donkey years ago! But I think it's good to have a positive resolution as you usher the new year. It sort of put you in a perspective or better still, positive mode as you gear up to brace the 365 new days. But to many especially me, that will last perhaps a month or so if I'm lucky. Anyways with resolution or not, here's wishing everyone happiness, health and peace all throughout 2008. Thank you very much for visiting my humble blog.