Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend breakfast

What I like most about weekend is breakfast. Why doesn't it come as a surprise that I should think about food? Ha!Ha! Anyways, I'm quite a morning person. Not really that early but early than most people I know esp. my husband. So to wake up early and have a hearty breakfast is a perfect way to start a beautiful weekend day. My daily breakfast at the office is so boring. 2 toast with jam (packed from home) with a mug of hot Neslo - Nescafe + Milo (made in the pantry). I have the same menu almost everyday except sometimes on Friday where I go down to the cafe to get myself either tosai or egg & red bean. Sometimes, no make that most of the time - I dont even get to finish my drink only to realise just before lunch that I still have the morning drink unfinished. That's why I sooo looking forward to weekend breakfast with my family, where I can take my own sweet time to enjoy the food and the day. And today is such a day. Hmmm...heaven. Has anyone ever try eating half boiled egg with otak-otak? (*wicked, wicked smile*)...ooohh it is sooo delicious!!

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