Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Goodbye 007, Hello 008

Happy New Year everyone!!!

For the past 2 years, I didn't last till midnight. I'd be sleeping and woke up in the morning when it's already the new year. But this year, I managed to stay awake. My family's so called celebration on new year's eve was to climb the small hill near our house where the playground is at a quarter to midnight and watched 'from a distance' all the fireworks that exploded all around the city (the boys do this every year with their father whilst I asleep at home). It was a 360 view where we saw altogether from far 6 fireworks!! But the highlight of the eve was when some neighbour put up a show on the hill with fireworks of their own. I must say the kids were pretty thrilled, okay I admit ... so did the parents! We then proceed to the neighbourhood's mamak stall for teh tarik (tea) and garlic naan (hungry after all the excitement!)

A lot of good things had happened to me in 2007, both personal and career wise. But personally, 2007 will be remembered as the year I discovered Bi Rain and blogging. My insane obsession of the former subject and my family tolerance and support towards it. And of cos' there were plenty of unpleasant and stressful events but ... hey that's life. But in all, 2007 had been kind to my family and me. And for that I'm grateful and thankful to God and people around me.

New year resolution? Mmm ... to blog more perhaps? Ha! Ha! I'm afraid I don't have any significant one. I gave up on it donkey years ago! But I think it's good to have a positive resolution as you usher the new year. It sort of put you in a perspective or better still, positive mode as you gear up to brace the 365 new days. But to many especially me, that will last perhaps a month or so if I'm lucky. Anyways with resolution or not, here's wishing everyone happiness, health and peace all throughout 2008. Thank you very much for visiting my humble blog.

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