Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cruel Love

I am hit by the k-drama bug again. This time its the above said drama. I try to limit watching K dramas to the ones acted by actors whom I know or there will be no end to it (it can get pretty addictive, once you've start to watch). This time around I know both the leading actors from previous dramas which I watched before. Kwon San Woo from Stairway to Heaven and Sad Love Story while Kim Sung Soo from Full House.
So now me and another girl in the office is trying to influence 2 other colleagues to watch the drama too so both of us don't feel so guilty of investing time in watching dramas on tv :D plus it would be more fun having a lot more people to include in our morning topic of discussion. Ha!Ha!
Cruel Love is now airing in Astro KBS Channel # 303 every Monday & Tuesday @ 0900pm. (so there goes my reading and blogging time)

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