Monday, March 17, 2008

300ml of AB+

Last Wednesday, I did the blood donation thingy again. It marked my 10th donation. Could have been more but sometimes timing was not right. Especially for a woman where you can't donate during your mestrual cycle and during pregnancy. My blood pressure was lower than normal on the said day but doctor said it's not harmful if I want to still donate. So I decided to went on with it.
The usual 300ml was taken out from me. It's no big deal actually. A colleague asked me whether there is a particular reason why I like to donate my blood. My answer is simple ... 'why not'? I know there are plenty of good reasons to mention but as another friend puts it ' he likes the muffin provided by the hospital staff to every donor'. That was cute! and yes the muffin is good too.
Bottom line is must there be a reason for us to perform any small deed?

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