Sunday, March 30, 2008

A frustrated 8 days

It has been 8 days since I last logged into my blog or to any www for that matter. Thanks to my undependable Internet service provider.

It had been an equal stressful time at work too!! I spent more than 8 hours a day in the office gawking at the PC screen that my tired eyes can't take it anymore. I was too tired to do anything that by the time I came home, I immediately hit the bed after dinner. Yeah, a sure and effective way to let all the fat from your dinner stored in your body!!

I did log into the net to upload some photos a couple of evening back but it was so slow and it frequently push me out that twice in 2 days I found myself asleep with my head on my laptop waiting to get connected. Eventually I gave up!! Big *SIGH*

So I'm back today. Don't know how long this good fortune gonna last. Oh pls, pls don't get disconnected on me today.

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