Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pangkor Island Trip- the journey

Finally after several hiccups in uploading the pictures and videos, I managed to edit the first batch of photos of our recent trip.
My mother said it hasnt been raining for several days in Damar Laut but on the day we took the boat to cross, it was raining very heavily!! But when we reached Lumut jetty several minutes later it was bright and sunny again. Yippee!
On the ferry to Pangkor Island we stayed at the upper deck all the way. We passed the Navy Basal in Lumut hence the many naval ships along the shore.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sun, Sand & Sea

Greetings from Pangkor Island
It was the spur of the moment kind of thing. The school holiday started yesterday. Hubby and I decided to take the kids to holiday to somewhere nearby. After several attempt last Monday, I managed to called in this resort and managed to book a room and last night we reached my parents place at 2 am and believe it or not, I drove half way (at night, I must add). This was bcos hubby looked too sleepy and tired, courtesy of Man U vs Chelsea football match 2 nights before and his snooker session the previous night.
So we took the 10 minutes boat ride from my parents place, reached Lumut, had lunch and took the 30 minutes ferry ride to Pangkor Island. Kids are having a blast - since we reached this afternoon - pool, sea and back to pool again while I was trying to finish this book I've been reading but managed to fall asleep next to all the screaming kids in the pool.
I've got plenty of pictures to show off but maybe in the next post. Just finished dinner and I'm now in the business centre of the hotel and they are charging me RM15 an hour for the internet service. Kids and hubby are playing pool.
Ciao for now.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How deep is your love by Bee Gees

I heard this song when visiting Kim's blog at Coffee, Chocolate and a Chat. Oh I forgot how beautiful it was. Pls take the time to listen to it (once again, if I may add) and immerse yourself in its beautiful melody. Enjoy people.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

British vs Irish accent

It was Sunday night. My hubby went to watch a rock concert by the local group Wing's at Planet Hollywood. He asked me to come along. Thanx but no thanx. I'm so not into rock music. So he went with a friend.
Since Monday is a public holiday so I can afford to have a late night. I came across this movie called Breaking and Entering and it has Jude Law in it. Don't you just love his accent? ^_^ It's a film about crime and punishment, love and hate, sins and forgiveness. Although the film tried to tackle other depressing issues ie. war in Sarajevo, neighbourhood clashes in King's Cross but to me the emotional struggle in the couples relationship that took my attention. It was quite a thought provoking story especially on relationship and how our actions and the lack of it determine the course of any relationship we started. Am I making sense here? I especially like the narration made at the beginning of the movie "When you stop looking at each other (your partner), shouldn't that be a warning?"

Anyways the movie ended about 12 midnight. Received sms from hubby that the concert just started its second session after the break. And its already so late! I went to sleep but woke up again after 20 minutes. I cant sleep. Went to make myself a hot cocoa and went back to the TV. I almost gave up after realising there was nothing interesting to watch when I suddenly remembered that my hubby just bought the new DVD entitled PS I Love You. He had asked before whether I would want him to buy it and I said no bcos I want to read the book first but lucky for me - he still bought it.

The movie suppose to be a romantic comedy but I cried my eyes out!! I'm such a weepah. And I love Gerard Butler's Irish accent ... although most of the time I was trying to figure out what was being said but it's okay, it sounded soo romantic (Yup I'm a hopeless one). So 2 movies in a night and both had leading men with accent. Ha! Ha!
My eyes were swollen from the crying the night before so I abandoned my contact lenses and wore glasses the whole day.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mind your language (Pt 2)

Continuation of those funny signages
Stylist XXX at your service

Operator standing by

Press because you want to

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Speed Racer

We took the kids to watch Speed Racer last night. Well, I must confess that I want to watch it bcos of Rain is acting in it. Not as the leading man but it's his first international / foreign movie. The other girls from the fan club had watched it earlier as a group but I was quite busy to go. Furthermore I want to watch it with my 2 boys on the big screen bcos I know they will enjoy this anime cum to life story.
And what a ride it was. We came out from the theatre feeling as if we were on a roller coaster ride for the past 2hrs or so and high on adrenaline!! The boys love all the car racing and the ninja fighting scenes. To me it was more a family movie then anything and I love the Racer family (and Rain of cos'). I read somewhere before that the Wachowski brothers made this film for their niece and nephew to watch. Apart from their well known action trademark, the Wachowski brothers love to give lectures in their movies. Remember Oracle or Architect in Matrix? Or even Vandetta? Well, so does in this movie. I found it okay but the kids may felt a bit impatience for it to end and get on with the racing bit.
My two sons watched 'Cars' probably about a gazillionth times. I think Speed Racer will top that one bcos it has the Formula 1 and drift action - all combined into one. They love car racing story.
Danish already told me that he felt like watching it again. Okay we have to find the DVD.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

What a week

I've been swamped with work.

Project deadlines, finance software upgrade followed by crash course training for software upgrade. One staff fell sick, another went MC the next day and a freelancer is leaving. On Tuesday, I went thru stack of resumes on my tables, short listed them and interviews were held on Thursday and Friday. Next Tuesday I shall be calling 2 candidates for second interview.

Hubby had to go outstation for a meeting so I'm a single parent for till Friday afternoon. My eldest son was having his mid year exam. Every evening I rushed home from work (earlier than usual) so I could guide him on his revision.

Last night, received a call from one of our close friend Z and his wife asking hubby and me out. We were both dead tired. We just came back from dinner with the kids. I can hardly lift my eyelid. But my hubby's bestfriend sound troubled so we agreed to go out and meet them. Z told us that his father is diagnosed with prostate cancer and its progressive. He spent the whole day consulting specialists from three different hospitals and being the only son in the family, he has a lot to decide and do. So last night he just want to 'not think about it' at least for the night.

My internet link has been acting up (again!) on the 2 days that I wish to log in so I just gave up.
And I really miss my blog... I'm so looking forward to this weekend bcos Monday is a public holiday for Wesak Day. Have a good weekend everybody.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mind your language (Pt 1)

Received this in the email. Hilarious!! I'm not sure where these signs were originated from for real but they are funny. Featured here are the first three.

and if you are dead, pls go to the hospital

a difficult meal

yeah, cheated out of breath

Are you smiling yet?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

My eldest son made the card for me. Every year during mother's day, I always have the feeling that I'm the lucky one ... bcos I have my 2 boys who think the world of me (thou I'm a far cry from being a perfect mother).

Below is a poem I received from a friend vis sms. This is dedicated to my mother and all mothers out there.

God took the frangrance of a flower
the gentleness of morning dew
the calm of a quiet sea
the beauty of a twilight hour
the grace of a bird in flight

Then God fashioned from these things
a creation like no other
and when his masterpiece was through
he called it simply ... MOTHER

Love you mak.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

from Lumut with love

My parents were in town since last Tuesday. Their 2 grandsons were very excited, so does their mom. My youngest especially is happy to know that he will have company everytime he comes back from kiddy. Like I mentioned before we hardly see them and last week's one day visit to my hometown definitely cannot be counted. I took 2 half day leaves from work so I can be home early to be with them.

My abah (father) is not too well. I took him to see the GP on the first night he arrived bcos he had this swell on his left hand caused by an ant bite and he didn't tell anyone about it. My youngest brother who drove them down called me and told me about it. My abah refused to go at first but me and mom were adamant about it. On top of it, abah is already on medication for high blood, gout, rheumatism and recently he was diagnosed with thick blood. But his doctor still has to do several blood test before the last diagnosos can really be confirmed including a 'dialysis' although he doesn't has diabetes. He often has problem with his right knee, it cant bend properly bcos it caused him so much pain so nowadays he perform his prayers by sitting on a chair. Previously when he was still able to bend it, he use to have a very thin mattress below his prayer's mat to support the kneeling.

Mak (mother) wanted me to make an appointment for her with a colon specialist in town but unfortunately no slots were available during the weekend. And since abah has to take his blood sample result on Monday, so we decided to postpone her visit until abah's finish several of his medical appointments for the month of May.

They went back to Lumut this morning and I already miss them. I'm so glad they came.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend rendevous

May 1st was a public holiday for Labour Day so hubby and me took leave Friday the next day and planned to head back to both our hometowns with the kids. It's been quite sometime since I last see my parents so I was really looking forward to it. Then my eldest son popped up the question 'does this means I don't have to go to school on Friday?' Both me and hubby looked at each other (silence ... accompanied by that cricket sound ... like in the movies). Would you believe it? Both of us completely forgot that the children are schooling. We only thought about ourselves hence the applied leave. How very thoughtful of us lol. So Plan B. We took the drive back to my parent's house in Lumut on Friday afternoon after school. Late Saturday evening, we were already at my in-laws in Ipoh. It was quite tiring actually but look who's complaining bcos all I ever did (with the kids) was sleep the whole journey in the car while poor hubby drive ^_^.

As usual, it's was a weekend filled with good food one after another. I'm not sure how much I gain, don't dare to see the scale. I did bring my laptop along but didn't have the time to search for wifi area. I took a video of the refurbished jetty near my parent's place. I'll post it soon.

Have a good week everybody.