Saturday, May 10, 2008

from Lumut with love

My parents were in town since last Tuesday. Their 2 grandsons were very excited, so does their mom. My youngest especially is happy to know that he will have company everytime he comes back from kiddy. Like I mentioned before we hardly see them and last week's one day visit to my hometown definitely cannot be counted. I took 2 half day leaves from work so I can be home early to be with them.

My abah (father) is not too well. I took him to see the GP on the first night he arrived bcos he had this swell on his left hand caused by an ant bite and he didn't tell anyone about it. My youngest brother who drove them down called me and told me about it. My abah refused to go at first but me and mom were adamant about it. On top of it, abah is already on medication for high blood, gout, rheumatism and recently he was diagnosed with thick blood. But his doctor still has to do several blood test before the last diagnosos can really be confirmed including a 'dialysis' although he doesn't has diabetes. He often has problem with his right knee, it cant bend properly bcos it caused him so much pain so nowadays he perform his prayers by sitting on a chair. Previously when he was still able to bend it, he use to have a very thin mattress below his prayer's mat to support the kneeling.

Mak (mother) wanted me to make an appointment for her with a colon specialist in town but unfortunately no slots were available during the weekend. And since abah has to take his blood sample result on Monday, so we decided to postpone her visit until abah's finish several of his medical appointments for the month of May.

They went back to Lumut this morning and I already miss them. I'm so glad they came.

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