Tuesday, May 20, 2008

British vs Irish accent

It was Sunday night. My hubby went to watch a rock concert by the local group Wing's at Planet Hollywood. He asked me to come along. Thanx but no thanx. I'm so not into rock music. So he went with a friend.
Since Monday is a public holiday so I can afford to have a late night. I came across this movie called Breaking and Entering and it has Jude Law in it. Don't you just love his accent? ^_^ It's a film about crime and punishment, love and hate, sins and forgiveness. Although the film tried to tackle other depressing issues ie. war in Sarajevo, neighbourhood clashes in King's Cross but to me the emotional struggle in the couples relationship that took my attention. It was quite a thought provoking story especially on relationship and how our actions and the lack of it determine the course of any relationship we started. Am I making sense here? I especially like the narration made at the beginning of the movie "When you stop looking at each other (your partner), shouldn't that be a warning?"

Anyways the movie ended about 12 midnight. Received sms from hubby that the concert just started its second session after the break. And its already so late! I went to sleep but woke up again after 20 minutes. I cant sleep. Went to make myself a hot cocoa and went back to the TV. I almost gave up after realising there was nothing interesting to watch when I suddenly remembered that my hubby just bought the new DVD entitled PS I Love You. He had asked before whether I would want him to buy it and I said no bcos I want to read the book first but lucky for me - he still bought it.

The movie suppose to be a romantic comedy but I cried my eyes out!! I'm such a weepah. And I love Gerard Butler's Irish accent ... although most of the time I was trying to figure out what was being said but it's okay, it sounded soo romantic (Yup I'm a hopeless one). So 2 movies in a night and both had leading men with accent. Ha! Ha!
My eyes were swollen from the crying the night before so I abandoned my contact lenses and wore glasses the whole day.


TOUSAL said...

Just to let you know as an irish person i was deeply disturbed by the lead actor's dire accent in PS I Love You. At first I thought he was trying to be Italian. It in no way resembles any accent on the Isle of Ireland. That said, the secondary actor from Grey's Anatomy who plays the other Irish guy has an EXCELLENT Irish accent. He should have been given the lead role. I cry in shame to think that there are people out there who believe that the lead actor's accent was in any way authentic. Irish accents are way nicer.

Yours in exasperation

leo said...

Hi Eli
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Forgive me for being ignorant. I didnt know that Irish accent didnt really sound like that and that was not authentic!!:(
But put it this way, IF I already thought that the fake one sounded romantic meaning the REAL one would be AWESOME! Wow!! Have a good 2009 to you.