Sunday, May 18, 2008

Speed Racer

We took the kids to watch Speed Racer last night. Well, I must confess that I want to watch it bcos of Rain is acting in it. Not as the leading man but it's his first international / foreign movie. The other girls from the fan club had watched it earlier as a group but I was quite busy to go. Furthermore I want to watch it with my 2 boys on the big screen bcos I know they will enjoy this anime cum to life story.
And what a ride it was. We came out from the theatre feeling as if we were on a roller coaster ride for the past 2hrs or so and high on adrenaline!! The boys love all the car racing and the ninja fighting scenes. To me it was more a family movie then anything and I love the Racer family (and Rain of cos'). I read somewhere before that the Wachowski brothers made this film for their niece and nephew to watch. Apart from their well known action trademark, the Wachowski brothers love to give lectures in their movies. Remember Oracle or Architect in Matrix? Or even Vandetta? Well, so does in this movie. I found it okay but the kids may felt a bit impatience for it to end and get on with the racing bit.
My two sons watched 'Cars' probably about a gazillionth times. I think Speed Racer will top that one bcos it has the Formula 1 and drift action - all combined into one. They love car racing story.
Danish already told me that he felt like watching it again. Okay we have to find the DVD.

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