Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

My eldest son made the card for me. Every year during mother's day, I always have the feeling that I'm the lucky one ... bcos I have my 2 boys who think the world of me (thou I'm a far cry from being a perfect mother).

Below is a poem I received from a friend vis sms. This is dedicated to my mother and all mothers out there.

God took the frangrance of a flower
the gentleness of morning dew
the calm of a quiet sea
the beauty of a twilight hour
the grace of a bird in flight

Then God fashioned from these things
a creation like no other
and when his masterpiece was through
he called it simply ... MOTHER

Love you mak.

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I'm glad you had a very happy mother's day and I wish all the very best for your parents. Take care!!