Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sun, Sand & Sea

Greetings from Pangkor Island
It was the spur of the moment kind of thing. The school holiday started yesterday. Hubby and I decided to take the kids to holiday to somewhere nearby. After several attempt last Monday, I managed to called in this resort and managed to book a room and last night we reached my parents place at 2 am and believe it or not, I drove half way (at night, I must add). This was bcos hubby looked too sleepy and tired, courtesy of Man U vs Chelsea football match 2 nights before and his snooker session the previous night.
So we took the 10 minutes boat ride from my parents place, reached Lumut, had lunch and took the 30 minutes ferry ride to Pangkor Island. Kids are having a blast - since we reached this afternoon - pool, sea and back to pool again while I was trying to finish this book I've been reading but managed to fall asleep next to all the screaming kids in the pool.
I've got plenty of pictures to show off but maybe in the next post. Just finished dinner and I'm now in the business centre of the hotel and they are charging me RM15 an hour for the internet service. Kids and hubby are playing pool.
Ciao for now.


GMG said...

Hope you have a nice break and look forward to see the pictures...
So Man U and Chelsea are increasing your driving time:
at least it was for a good cause - a great goal from Cristiano Ronaldo!! (don't mention the missed penalty... ;))
Bee Gees? Oh dear, that was almost forty years ago... :((
«When you stop looking at each other...» Did you notice how many couples sit side by side at the restaurant, instead of sditting in front of each other...
Hope you have a great holiday! No holiday here, I'll be working! :(

leo said...

gil- u seemed to go for holiday more than anybody i know. Even when u are working as u claimed :P so happy working there!!
MU, oh pleez, i have seen enough red jerseys parade in the office on the day they won, anybody and everybody is their fans.
and what's wrong wt BGees being forty years ago, are u trying to imply something here?? LOL -hv a great week!