Saturday, May 17, 2008

What a week

I've been swamped with work.

Project deadlines, finance software upgrade followed by crash course training for software upgrade. One staff fell sick, another went MC the next day and a freelancer is leaving. On Tuesday, I went thru stack of resumes on my tables, short listed them and interviews were held on Thursday and Friday. Next Tuesday I shall be calling 2 candidates for second interview.

Hubby had to go outstation for a meeting so I'm a single parent for till Friday afternoon. My eldest son was having his mid year exam. Every evening I rushed home from work (earlier than usual) so I could guide him on his revision.

Last night, received a call from one of our close friend Z and his wife asking hubby and me out. We were both dead tired. We just came back from dinner with the kids. I can hardly lift my eyelid. But my hubby's bestfriend sound troubled so we agreed to go out and meet them. Z told us that his father is diagnosed with prostate cancer and its progressive. He spent the whole day consulting specialists from three different hospitals and being the only son in the family, he has a lot to decide and do. So last night he just want to 'not think about it' at least for the night.

My internet link has been acting up (again!) on the 2 days that I wish to log in so I just gave up.
And I really miss my blog... I'm so looking forward to this weekend bcos Monday is a public holiday for Wesak Day. Have a good weekend everybody.

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Here I am for the weekly visit... and to read what a week you had; I'm not even talking of mine... ;)) Don't worry, things will improve!
I'm still smiling with the adds...
Thanks for your comment on Blogtrotter, which has now landed in the imperial town of Marrakesh, the Red City!
Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!