Sunday, October 7, 2007

Another Balinese food

Yesterday my family and I went to another Bali inspired restaurant for our ‘buka puasa’ (breaking of fast). It's called Ole-Ole Bali.

The food came in 2 trays consist of deep fried squid, grilled chicken, shrimp paste on lemongrass stick on one tray and fried chicken, rice, stir fried local vege (don’t know what it is called in English) on another tray. There was also spaghetti with beef. Bali food you say?? He! He! I guess they also cater for international taste.

The food came half an hour later bcos there were just too many patrons. When the food came the kids attacked, as if there was no tomorrow and within 15 minutes they were full and there were still plenty of food on the table! By the time we left the restaurant, I felt my gastritis slowly but surely signaling its presence every time I overeat. Luckily I have my medication at home but still it’s an uncomfortable feeling.


Sophie Honeysuckle said...

It looks delicious-no wonder the kids tucked straight in!

drcool said...

that sounds so delicious...yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

awww u look sooo young and pretty!!
that is a cool slide show :)
thank u for sharing!!
oh i love deep fried squid and lemongrass. yummy yummy!!
look like great meals..

leo said...

sophie -i purposely didnt include the parents pix in there bcos they were equally bad ;-)

drcool -TQ for visiting me, yes the food are yummy indeed

niki -mmm u can say that again, we sure gonna make that date in bangkok for thai food ya! with lotsa lemongrass ^_^

GMG said...

Balinese food, that remembers great treats; wish I was there... ;))