Thursday, October 4, 2007

Creepy crawlies

My colleagues and I sported this creature lurking above our heads in the office today. Isn't it scary? Can you see its 2 red eyes?

It's like in one of those 'arachnophobia' movie!! Imagine if a real one was to fall on you, especially at nite...goodness I had goose bumps just thinking about it.

I'm not particularly afraid of spiders, but if it is this big, who wouldn't? It turned out that the guys from the designers team had too much free time that they placed this 'prop spidey' on the ceiling lights. Halloween deco said one cheeky fellow.


Sophie Honeysuckle said...

ooh that would make me shiver!!!

leo said...

you are not the only one :)

Anonymous said...

gohhhhh i thought that is a real spider lololol
u have very nice colleagues.
gotta find a spider for my boss tooo!

leo said...

niki -noisy colleagues are more like it but they are alright. find a cute spidey for your boss, not a scary ok!