Thursday, October 18, 2007

Eid Mubarak (in pictures) Pt 1

Today is the 6th of Syawal (in Islamic calendar) and my first day back to the office. Eid al Fitr is celebrated for the whole month. So celebration mood is still aplenty. Even the office is relatively quiet since many staffs are still on holiday. And I have 200 over emails in my office mailbox...sigh...
Above are some pictures taken during our 'balik kampong' (going back to hometown). There are more from where that come from hence the part one.


GMG said...

Hi Leo, great to see you back, even if you have 200 emails to deal with... ;)
Great slide here!
Thanks for your comment at Blogtrotter

leo said...

gmg - no joke there. it took me 1 n 1/2 day to clear the 200 over emails. phew!! TQ for ur visit.