Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tiring day

I was so tired yesterday that I slept early. Didn’t even go online. And I’m still tired today. Had 3 meetings today, as early as 0930hr in the morning. The last meeting ended at about 1635hr which left me almost cold to the bones due to the cold temperature of the conference room and furthermore I was fasting, so that really didn’t help.

I was rushing home when I suddenly realized that my mobile phone service has been barred because I still haven’t paid the bill. What if I have a sudden emergency and need to make a call urgently? So I diverted my car to go to the nearest maxis pay center. On my way there, I noticed that my fuel tank is almost empty. Better to be safe than sorry, so I turned to find a petrol station. The petrol attendant was kind enough to assist me; he was already filling my tank when I returned to the car after paying at the counter. So I saved some time there.

Traffic was building up by the time I drove out of the mall after paying my bill. I still have to make one more stop before heading home. I need to buy some sweet pastries at the food bazaar (open air market) for the breaking of fast. Finding a parking is easy but getting in and out of the place is a nightmare because everybody is rushing to buy food and get back home before the breaking of fast at about 7:00pm.
After wiggling myself amongst the out of the office crowd, I managed to buy 2 types of pastries and call it quit.

My husband called to inform that he’ll be reaching home somewhere around 11nish after his 180km drive from Ipoh. In between yawning, sleepy eyes and updating my blog, I’m also assisting my eldest in revising his Maths for tomorrow’s paper and my youngest on his reading.

Okay gotta go. Danish is already stuck on 3 dimensional shapes and signaling me to stop typing. And Danial, well…he’s on wet, pet, and oh yes - vet.

Gosh, I'm so tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh breaking of fast is about 5:30pm in japan :)
maybe time difference 1.5 hours??
good luck on ur cutie-chan's exam!!