Monday, November 26, 2007

TVfXQ concert in KL

I received freebies on Friday afternoon which came in a form of TVXQ concert tickets. Since I'm so into Korean musics, so my friend got me the tickets for TVXQ Asia Tour concert. I must say that this is one of the perks working here (hmm... now why didnt I get Rain's concert ticket when he was down in KL??@!$* ??) I'm not a fan but I know who TVfXQ were, well at least the group name ... and they consist of 5 young boys. But as long as it is Korean music I'm all game (even though my Korean vocab is only limited to 15 words):))
Anyways both me and a friend, both non TVXQ fans had fun that night. We identified a song popularity by the way the crowd cheered at the beginning of a song. 'Oooh ok, this one must be a famous song' and both of us would smiled knowingly. That night I learned the boys names - Xiah, Micky, Hero, Max and U-Know. At one point, I felt bad bcos the tickets that we got were actually quite good. We were quite close to them and we were not even fans!! I only have my handphone with me and the pictures were very blur. But I just put it up here to show how close we were. If I'm this close to Rain during his concert, I know I would be on cloud 9 for at least a week ha! ha!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fly Me to the Moon -2

In August, I wrote about a title of a book I saw in MPH. Last week at a dinner function, one of the entertainer sang the song 'Fly Me to the Moon'. Okay so now it is confirmed that was the song which has been playing in my head then. Isn't the song just melt you? Hope you enjoy Frank Sinatra as much as I do.

My excuse

Been very busy with work and things that happened around me during work and at home than I hardly have time to update and visit blogs. I reached home from work at 9:00pm last night. I better not say anything about work or it just won’t end. Actually I should be scrutinizing some reports which I must present to several seniors on Monday, not to mention my performance write-up since I already logged an appointment with ‘the boss’ to discuss my annual appraisal on Monday but here I am updating my blog.
Earlier, I read a last entry from a netizen friend saying sayonara to her blog bcos she has difficulty keeping up, hope this wont happen to me.
My youngest son Danial is just about to recover from his chicken pox. He had it a day before Deepavali. So far he hasn’t passed it to his elder brother though it would be convenient since school break just started last Friday. Needless to say, Danial had his final school break a week earlier than the other children. I went to his kiddy school at noon to collect his report card which thus far received favorable comments from his teachers.
I spent half of today’s morning reading backdated newspapers wayback since Tuesday, that’s how up to date I am now.

To sweat again

After 1 month of hiatus, I finally picked up my running shoes and went jogging again this morning. Well, more like walking actually. I tried not to shock my over pampered body especially after all the good food during the Eid holidays. There were times where I skipped my weekend jog especially if our family had to go back to our hometown. And when I start the routine again the following weekend both my legs would ached so badly that I often seen limping at work.
When I took the stairs to reach my office on the first floor, even if the heels were only an inch and half but the pain…ooh …But endure it I can bcos I know I had done my body a favor by exercising.
I had abandoned taking the elevator since my office was moved from the ground floor to the first floor two years ago. Now it had become a norm, taking the stairs. Unless of cos’ if I need to go to the 3rd floor which I always love to avoid. Even rushing to the loo every time the ones on our floor are fully occupied and the queue is longer than entering Zouk on Ladies night out…I still prefer the stairs.
For my sake, I hope my legs will not ache too much this time around. Now where is that tube of Counter Pain?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Little black dress

I received an invitation to attend an award ceremony event on behalf of the company where I work. Only to realize that I don’t have any formal black dress to wear to the occasion (dress code was formal black and white).
So I went to look for one. In the fitting room, I had 4 different pieces to try when another reality hit me. My little black dress is no longer little; I had to try a size L in order for it to fit me nicely. There’s this one outfit which fit me oh very snugly but after admiring myself in the mirror, I’ve decided nope this is not the one but to my horror - I can’t take it off!!! It was so tight that I can’t get my arms off the sleeves unless I rip it off - which of cos was not an option. Come to think of it now, I must looked comical then with arms in mid air trying to get the dress off me, but it didn’t felt remotely funny when it happened. I don’t know how many times I told myself not to panic. It took me almost 20 minutes of sweat and close to tears when my maneuver finally paid off. Phew! Okay no more in denial, size L from now on. Close to 1hour in the same shop, I finally found and bought my black dress.

We won 10 awards last night!! So it sort of justify all my effort of buying (not to forget got stuck in one) a black outfit just for the said occasion.

Local coffee and kaya bread

I had breakfast at a small café called Kemaman Kopitiam on Saturday morning. I love kaya toast bread with coffee and of cos’ half boiled eggs ..mmm.. Compare to Uncle Lim’s and Kluang Station café this outlet is the cheapest. Everything above cost me RM 6 (about USD 1.8). I must say the coffee was heaven, not too sweet nor bitter but just right. Breakfast (especially on weekend) is my most favorite meal of the day. Its sort of set the mood for me to tackle the day.
Care to share what you have for breakfast today?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Diwali - Festival of Lights

Happy Deepavali! Today is a day where every employees and students dream come true's a public holiday, YES!! ^__^ That's the beauty of living in a multiracial country.
And I can expect plenty of murukus waiting for me once I get back to the office courtesy of my Indian colleagues. They know how much I love Indian food especially their sweet laddu, yummy! (oh my blood sugar gonna suffer).
Another thing which I enjoy during Deepavali is the beautiful kolam decoration.
The kolam picture above was taken from my office main lobby. I think the festive organising committee had done a very good job, its beautiful! I found the next kolam at the lobby of one of the newly opened mall in town, wow!

My family has an open house invitation later at noon, no it's not for Deepavali but still for the Eid Festival. Ha! ha! Can't say no to food..:-)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Umbrella acoustic - Marie Digby

I hear this song so many times on the radio. Nothing against Rihanna. She's beautiful,talented and I enjoy her other videos but when it come to this particular song, I have to admit I enjoy the acoustic one by Marie more. I guess it's bcos it is easier to sing along compare to the hip hop version by original singer. Enjoy!

Lost and Found

I'm on MC today. This is my second one for this year. Woke up this morning with this headache on the left side of my skull and neck plus my throat felt as if I had swallowed a bucket of coarse sand. So the GP gave me 1 day off and 4 packets of colorful pills to take. With the advice 'drink plenty of water'(which I'm ashame to say I'm not good at). So I got the same advice over and over again from young till now.

Still fresh from my recent training, I'm now reading this. And no, I still haven't finish reading the previous book which I have decided to put on halt at the moment.

Lost & Found is a book on managerial & leadership. It's not a thick book and its quite interesting, so I'm planning to finish it in another day or two (good luck to me). I figure this is what I need before starting my 2 pages of training assignment. Yeah, haven't done that yet and the deadline is coming closer. Typical of me!! Since I'm not at work today, I had to cancel two interview appointments I've made earlier in order to do the write up. Oh well..

My left skull is still throbbing...