Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another one fr. Egypt

A colleague got back from 2 weeks holiday in the land of pharoahs and pyramids. But I'm the lucky one. He got me this and a Christmas card from Egypt. I'm estatic. So to the wall of fame on my fridge it went. 73 and counting.


GMG said...

73 and counting? Wow, we should see a picture of it!
So Cowparade landed in K-L; it was a great show in Lisbon; probably as amazing there...

leo said...

hi gil, it's nice of you to drop by. an overall pic of my fridge magnets can be found in one of the first entry under fridge magnet.
i didnt know that the 'cows' were a parade! i thot it was just the city's or mall's deco. how interesting, TQ!