Sunday, January 27, 2008

Shadow of your smile by Tony Bennett & Juannes

I tried very hard to find a solo version of this song but couldn't. Like many beautiful ever green songs, it has been sung by many. Nonetheless this is good too. Tony Bennett is such a legend but Juannes? Well he is famous alright especially to the Spanish music fans. But his song is famous in the local scene too, right here amongst the Malay music lovers. Ring any bell yet? If no, need not worry, I will reveal the answer to that trivia in my next entry. He! He! I sound like one of those who wants to be a millionaire host. Meanwhile here's that hauntingly beautiful song. Goce (enjoy - in Spanish)


GMG said...

Na sombra de tu amor? Què cosa... ;))
Loved to see the Petronas Towers again! It's the only pictures I've from my KL trip; all the rest is video... :(
Have a great week!

leo said...

gil - apesadumbrado no le entiendo ;) ha! ha! i dont even understand what i want to say. ooh i bet your petronas towers pics were awesome. u r such a talented cameraman. u hv a good one too!