Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend rendevous

May 1st was a public holiday for Labour Day so hubby and me took leave Friday the next day and planned to head back to both our hometowns with the kids. It's been quite sometime since I last see my parents so I was really looking forward to it. Then my eldest son popped up the question 'does this means I don't have to go to school on Friday?' Both me and hubby looked at each other (silence ... accompanied by that cricket sound ... like in the movies). Would you believe it? Both of us completely forgot that the children are schooling. We only thought about ourselves hence the applied leave. How very thoughtful of us lol. So Plan B. We took the drive back to my parent's house in Lumut on Friday afternoon after school. Late Saturday evening, we were already at my in-laws in Ipoh. It was quite tiring actually but look who's complaining bcos all I ever did (with the kids) was sleep the whole journey in the car while poor hubby drive ^_^.

As usual, it's was a weekend filled with good food one after another. I'm not sure how much I gain, don't dare to see the scale. I did bring my laptop along but didn't have the time to search for wifi area. I took a video of the refurbished jetty near my parent's place. I'll post it soon.

Have a good week everybody.

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

Now that is hilarious - I'm still laughing out loud. Thanks! I needed that.