Sunday, March 30, 2008

F1 in Sepang

This post was meant for last week. Alas my internet service let me down. I can't seem to upload any photos. Hmm..
Anyways last weekend was the Malaysian Formula 1 Grand Prix week in Sepang circuit. However this year we didn't manage to go to the track and in addition hubby was also not in town. I'm not a big fan but my eldest son is. He's a Ferrari fan. Hubby is Renault (largely bcos of Alonso) while the youngest Danial has to settle with home team BMW Sauber (which is doing well both in Melbourne and Sepang). Me, well I'm going for the handsomest drivers! wink!wink! so for now it's Kimi Raikkonen.
Sepang result: 1. Ferrari - Kimi Raikkonen 2. BMW Sauber - Robert Kubika 3. McLaren -Heikki Kovalainen. These pictures were taken in 2006 and 2007 where we were fortunate to get into the track during qualifying and final days, courtesy of sponsored expensive tickets.


Kerry Droll said...

Oh how fun!!! I love all motorsports - as long as it's loud and smells like racing fuel, I'm in heaven.

leo said...

kerry - unlike me, i'm sure you wont feel out of place at the racing track. but yeah, it was a unique experience for me. and not to mention - very hot! i mean the weather ;-) hv a good weekend.