Tuesday, April 1, 2008

with this ring ...

My family together with my in-laws who came down, went to a wedding reception last Saturday night. It belongs to my husband's older cousin. Semoga Berkekalan hingga ke Anak cucu (May it last a life time). Amen.
Here's a snap shot of the happy occassion:


Kim said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog, come by anytime :) You have a very interesting blog too

GMG said...

Hi Leo, here I am for my weekly visit...
Wish them all the best!
I see you were suffering from noserverphobia... ;) Can perfectly understand... ;))
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, where I’m still strolling around Bilbao. Look forward to reading you back there!
Have a great weekend!

leo said...

Gil- noserverphobia LOL - i like the phrase. a scary one indeed! :) maybe we should suggest it to be include in say - merriam webster?