Saturday, April 26, 2008

Let's Bowl

I haven't bowl for the longest time. I even forget how to hold the ball correctly. Don't even understand how the scoring goes. So when the Finance Unit asked us to join their get together bowling tournament, I went reluctantly. But I'm glad I did bcos we had so much fun laughing at each others ridiculous game attics. Even the primary school students who played a few rows next to us were 10x better than all of us combined. But of cos' we got more style ^_^ especially when one us got 'accidentally' strike all the pins lol


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Thanks for having been so kind to comment on Blogtrotter while I was absent! I’m back and trying to catch up with your posts!
Hope you're feeling better and the ear pain is gone...
The No Asshole Rule seems quite interesting; I think I'll give a look if I see it around...
Finally the bowling: I usually don't play, but I remember once in Germany when at the end of a disastrous night, I was the only one to «accidentaly» strike all pins... great fun! ;))
Hope you have a great Sunday and a better week!

Kerry Droll said...

I received my copy of the No Asshole Rule from today - a few of my co-workers I'm close to got a kick out of it and want to borrow it when I'm done reading it. Thanks for the heads up.

I'm an average bowler - used to go all the time but when I go now I have the time of my life but can't move for 3 days after lol.

Glad you're feeling better!

leo said...

kerry- u beat me to it :) i still havent got the chance to read it. hope u enjoy the book and yes, i do feel much better, TQ.