Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our 11th Anniversary

Last Friday was me and hubby's 11th wedding anniversary. We went to Yo Sushi for dinner. I was of cos thrilled to pieces but hubby had to choose his food carefully since he's not so into Japanese food. Only the cooked one for him. Well, he said I could decide where to eat ^_^. After which we had coffee at Starbucks.

About 1045pm, we made our way to Hilton's Lounge. There we were joined by our close friends Zadd & Reen, Hairul & Yatie and Zadd's sis with her boyfriend. We talked and laugh for hours!! At about 1:00am we decided to take a peep inside the Zeta Bar where a PussyCat Doll wannabe group was performing. We only last about 15 minutes in there and decided to call it a night. Nobody wants to admit that age factor is catching up with us :) It was a unanimous concensus that all of us don't fancy loud music and crowded room anymore.

It was a fun wedding anniversary celebration for me. Next outing we decided it will be the karaoke although half of us can't sing *gasp* god help us all :)

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