Saturday, April 5, 2008

Almost Heaven - Judith McNaught

I was somewhere on page 5 or so when felt like 'deja vu'. Wait a minute, how come I felt as if I know how the story goes? I scrutinised the book again. It's an old new book. Translate: I bought the book somewhere in September 07 (old) and no I haven't read it yet (new). I like to own most books that I read, so I'm pretty sure I didn't buy this book before and accidentally bought another one again. I searched the book shelves again, just to be sure. Nope this is the only copy I have. But the storyline and the characters somehow is quite familiar to me. Then I started testing myself on what will happen next and true enough I sort of remember the story. Needless to say I finished the book within a day. After 'the end' I concluded I must had read the one that belongs to my youngest sis-in law. If I'm not mistaken she had the same book in her room. Yeah, that's it! That's where I read the book before. Anyways I do like the story So I guess, no harm done on reading it the second time around. Don't know why but I cried buckets while reading it (LOL so what's new?) Okay so on with the next book.


Kim said...

Hi! Thank You for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments :) You really made my day! I also love to read Judith McNaught...we seem to have a lot of things in common. I am enjoying getting to know you.

leo said...

Kim - after reading your 150 random thots, i can assure you we have lots in common!! lol :) thanks for dropping by. hv a good weekend.