Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Perfect Day - Richard P Evans

"Just like that. For 7 years I've given everything to this crummy job and you throw me out for some airhead blonde you met 5 months ago. Who's next? Your wife?"
I walked to the door then turned back. "I just realized why everyone calls you Stu. It's short for stupid".

A Perfect Day is a story about a man who has to rediscover his priorities after finding money and fame ...

This is the first time I read a book by Richard Evans and I must say that I like his style of writing. Though the story is nothing new but his inevitable twist is cleverly written and I'm now a fan.


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Never read Evans... :(
Sorry for this short visit, but I just wanted to say thanks for your comments on my blogs. This weekend, I’m going to take a musical break, and next week I’ll make a very short trip, crossing South Atlantic. I’ll try to catch up with your posts as soon as possible. Meanwhile, leave you with some chocolate champagne truffles at Blogtrotter.
Have a lovely weekend and an excellent week!

PS: Maybe you should delete kazilar comment without opening...

Kerry Droll said...

I'll have to put that on my list - I read a good book by Peter David Orr called "The Dive" - it's a romantic suspense novel that kept me interested. Have a great one!

leo said...

gil - oh u r going for a concert? how exciting! trust you to come out with fabulous pics later. across south atlantic, how lucky. here's wishing u the best and awaits ur update.

leo said...

kerry- i hope u will like perfect day as well. thanks so much for dropping by.