Thursday, April 24, 2008

No Asshole Rule - Robert Sutton

No I didn't read this book. I wish I did. It was introduced by a colleague in our monthly meeting during the book review session.

It was 20 minutes session full of laughter! Either from embarrassment or self aware that we ourselves are a bunch of a**hole or recognizing some characters amongst us are certified a**hole.

Although the title is indeed amusing but the author Bob Sutton as he is known in his blog really discuss the menacing affect and the damage of an a**hole in a workplace or in an organisation. The book also has an ARSE (A**hole Rating Self-Exam (ARSE) - Are you a certified a**hole?) exam that will help you identify yourself and if there is a scope, tell you to improve yourself. So don't let the title fool you. He really believed in the title so much that when a well-known publishing company agreed to publish the book with one condition - that he changed the title; he did - change the publisher!
So next time around when you walk into Starbucks and heard somebody order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," - oh please be aware that you are at a presence of a MAJOR a**hole :0

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

Oh, I'm going to read that lol!