Saturday, April 5, 2008

Friends united

Bhav is back in town for a short holiday from Melbourne. Next week will be her last week in town. She's leaving on Friday. Her schedule was so packed meeting old friends, visiting relatives and snorkeling in Redang that Berny and me almost have to kidnap her in order to have this lunch.

We had lunch at Rak Thai (a Thai restaurant in Gardens). The food was so-so but the laughter we shared was endless. The two ladies haven't been to Gardens before so we've decided to take a stroll there after lunch but aborted the idea after 20 minutes of walking bcos we hardly looked at any shops but at each other so we decided to continue our talk at Big Apple Donuts. I think they had fun hearing about my mid life crisis stories. I wasn't even sure I had one. But we laughed so hard!! Five hours passed so quick and it's time to say goodbye. Bhav promised to return soon maybe in Dec again this year. We hugged and blew kisses (Bhav has another appointment to catch).

1 comment:

Kim said...

Snorkeling, Gardens...dougnuts and Good Friends...Good Times!

Sounds like you live in paradise!