Tuesday, April 8, 2008

of teh panas, MU and anchovy

This month has been a reunion month so far. Not that I'm complaining. I love to meet up with old friends. This time around its Araf. He's in town since last week from London. He came by to the office today.
So a few of us went out for lunch at where else but banana leaf rice shop for old time sake!! ^_^ It was a long time ago that I learned to drink 'teh panas'(hot tea) not teh tarik from Araf. He always have to emphasize to the mamak that the tea has to be 'scalding' hot and not semi hot or lukewarm! I always teased him by saying this is not England where the weather is cold and you drink hot tea all the time. But this a hot and humid country so it make sense to drink teh tarik, once in a while. Which of cos' he ignored me. So nowadays, everytime I order teh panas I will always think of Araf.
Araf is also a big MU fan. He comes from Manchester. I always drove him up the wall if I go 'Chelsea, Chelsea'! He will get very offended LOL. I of cos don't give a hoot and kept on going. Ha!Ha! Another thing I use to do to annoy him was to order pizza with anchovies. He hates anchovies! I know, I know it's very mean of us to do so but we just love to annoy him :p
The guys said they will try to arrange a dinner before he flies off but I'm not sure whether I can make it then. It's good to see him again. He promised to come by again before going back to UK.


Kerry Droll said...

So sorry you aren't feeling 100% either - I hope you feel better soon!

leo said...

kerry- my post wedding anniversary day was celebrated in bed :( my headache returned, this time accompanied with a 50% hearing reduction. doctor said it was infection althou' he declined to elaborate. im okay now. hope u r too.