Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Poison Ivy by Fly to the Sky

Heard this song and instantly fell in like with it. I like how the duo voices harmonize each other. Enjoy.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Temporary bliss

There was a pay less book clearance on Sunday. I managed to persuade hubby to drive me there. He was quite reluctant bcos 1) I complained about headache earlier in the morning 2) he knows I would lose any sense of time and would take my own sweet time or worse, forever browsing through all the titles.

It wasn't until about 5pm he agreed to take me there after I convinced him that my head didn't hurt that much even though I felt as if I was on some kind of drug - a groggy feeling. But the moment I stepped into the room full of books, my head sort of cleared on its own and I was temporarily cured. I had about 75 minutes to browse through before they end the sale.

Needless to say, I am very please with my purchase as they were very, very cheap. No doubt these are old titles, but it doesn't really matter to me. As long as I got to read and own them. Books always have this good effect on me. Don't you just love the smell of books?

Okay, the internet link is acting up again so I better end this entry to ensure this get posted. Have a good week everyone.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Let's Bowl

I haven't bowl for the longest time. I even forget how to hold the ball correctly. Don't even understand how the scoring goes. So when the Finance Unit asked us to join their get together bowling tournament, I went reluctantly. But I'm glad I did bcos we had so much fun laughing at each others ridiculous game attics. Even the primary school students who played a few rows next to us were 10x better than all of us combined. But of cos' we got more style ^_^ especially when one us got 'accidentally' strike all the pins lol

Thursday, April 24, 2008

No Asshole Rule - Robert Sutton

No I didn't read this book. I wish I did. It was introduced by a colleague in our monthly meeting during the book review session.

It was 20 minutes session full of laughter! Either from embarrassment or self aware that we ourselves are a bunch of a**hole or recognizing some characters amongst us are certified a**hole.

Although the title is indeed amusing but the author Bob Sutton as he is known in his blog really discuss the menacing affect and the damage of an a**hole in a workplace or in an organisation. The book also has an ARSE (A**hole Rating Self-Exam (ARSE) - Are you a certified a**hole?) exam that will help you identify yourself and if there is a scope, tell you to improve yourself. So don't let the title fool you. He really believed in the title so much that when a well-known publishing company agreed to publish the book with one condition - that he changed the title; he did - change the publisher!
So next time around when you walk into Starbucks and heard somebody order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," - oh please be aware that you are at a presence of a MAJOR a**hole :0

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Say what?

First and foremost my apologies for not updating my blog. Thank you so much for returning to check on me. I confess I'm not 100% myself lately. A bit under the weather, I'm afraid.

It all started about 2 weeks ago when I woke up in the morning and realised that my hearing was somehow 50% muffled. It felt as if you are on a high altitude like in a plane or when you are driving up on a hill whereby you need to constantly swallow your saliva to unblock your ears. But I wasn't sick or having a fever, maybe a slight sore throat but not too bad. Anyways hubby forced me to go to the clinic. My usual panel clinic was not open so I went to a different one. GP confirmed my ears were not blocked due to wax (yup, that was what I was accused of by my dear husband :p). I was given antibiotic to combat infection (of what the GP didn't care to explain -maybe thinking I'm too stupid to understand) and I was really not in the mood to argue - yes Mr. Doctor just try that medical jargon on me and see whether any of it that I don't understand.

To cut the long winded story short, even after the antibiotic, ear block and giddy pills were long gone unfortunately the on and off one sided headache, neck pain and constant hearing block still persist. Today for example, my left head was threatening to explode whilst my hearing was again muffled but I managed to ignore the pain simply bcos I just have too many things to settle. So sometimes when I reached home I was too tired even to lift one eye lid open. As what is happening now.

I better end this now and get the much needed sleep. Nighty nite everybody.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Perfect Day - Richard P Evans

"Just like that. For 7 years I've given everything to this crummy job and you throw me out for some airhead blonde you met 5 months ago. Who's next? Your wife?"
I walked to the door then turned back. "I just realized why everyone calls you Stu. It's short for stupid".

A Perfect Day is a story about a man who has to rediscover his priorities after finding money and fame ...

This is the first time I read a book by Richard Evans and I must say that I like his style of writing. Though the story is nothing new but his inevitable twist is cleverly written and I'm now a fan.

Monday, April 14, 2008

You've got mail

I received these pictures in the email today. Too cute and funny not to pass on. There were plenty others but I only chose three. Hope it brings smile to your face.

To laugh or be mad at this? You tell me ...

Tattoo of the year

Surprisingly true.

Have a good week ahead everyone.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our 11th Anniversary

Last Friday was me and hubby's 11th wedding anniversary. We went to Yo Sushi for dinner. I was of cos thrilled to pieces but hubby had to choose his food carefully since he's not so into Japanese food. Only the cooked one for him. Well, he said I could decide where to eat ^_^. After which we had coffee at Starbucks.

About 1045pm, we made our way to Hilton's Lounge. There we were joined by our close friends Zadd & Reen, Hairul & Yatie and Zadd's sis with her boyfriend. We talked and laugh for hours!! At about 1:00am we decided to take a peep inside the Zeta Bar where a PussyCat Doll wannabe group was performing. We only last about 15 minutes in there and decided to call it a night. Nobody wants to admit that age factor is catching up with us :) It was a unanimous concensus that all of us don't fancy loud music and crowded room anymore.

It was a fun wedding anniversary celebration for me. Next outing we decided it will be the karaoke although half of us can't sing *gasp* god help us all :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Man of Steel

I fell in love with the Man of Steel when I was 10 years old. Back then when there was no internet, satellite TV nor can I cannot afford to buy foreign entertainment magazine - I use to collect those small 10cent cards where it has pictures of Superman (it was Christopher Reeve then) to feed my interest. I would forced my younger brother to exchange the cards if he has the card with Superman on it. I begged my father to allow us to watch the movie for the second time at the small cinema in Taiping. I even played 'masak-masak' (make believe cooking) with Superman as my guest.

I remembered meeting a true blue Superman fan from Florida. Angel was our system's consultant in 2005. He even has a ring emblazoned with the 'S' logo which caught my attention when I first said 'I can see that you are Superman fan' which of cos' broke the ice.

I didn't watch Superman Returns(the latest 4th movie). But last night as I was burning the midnight oil preparing a presentation for a meeting scheduled at 0900hr on Friday morning, I came across the movie on TV about 20 minutes before it ended.

It brought back those childhood memories.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

of teh panas, MU and anchovy

This month has been a reunion month so far. Not that I'm complaining. I love to meet up with old friends. This time around its Araf. He's in town since last week from London. He came by to the office today.
So a few of us went out for lunch at where else but banana leaf rice shop for old time sake!! ^_^ It was a long time ago that I learned to drink 'teh panas'(hot tea) not teh tarik from Araf. He always have to emphasize to the mamak that the tea has to be 'scalding' hot and not semi hot or lukewarm! I always teased him by saying this is not England where the weather is cold and you drink hot tea all the time. But this a hot and humid country so it make sense to drink teh tarik, once in a while. Which of cos' he ignored me. So nowadays, everytime I order teh panas I will always think of Araf.
Araf is also a big MU fan. He comes from Manchester. I always drove him up the wall if I go 'Chelsea, Chelsea'! He will get very offended LOL. I of cos don't give a hoot and kept on going. Ha!Ha! Another thing I use to do to annoy him was to order pizza with anchovies. He hates anchovies! I know, I know it's very mean of us to do so but we just love to annoy him :p
The guys said they will try to arrange a dinner before he flies off but I'm not sure whether I can make it then. It's good to see him again. He promised to come by again before going back to UK.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Fool in Hot Issue 2 by Big Bang

This arrived in the mail few days back. Am so excited. I luuurve all the songs. Since this is a mini album so there are only 6 songs in the CD and I like it all. My boys love song number 6 -Last Greeting. I did post the song before. They went frantic with what suppose to be dance steps but I can't seem to figure out on whether are they dancing or having a fit? It looked like the latter..ha!ha! cruel me. Mind you but the first time I played the CD, I had to play the same song 4 times before I can chased them to bed. And now everyday, the songs from the CD will be blaring in my car on my way to and fro work. My favourite is track number two entitle Fool.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Friends united

Bhav is back in town for a short holiday from Melbourne. Next week will be her last week in town. She's leaving on Friday. Her schedule was so packed meeting old friends, visiting relatives and snorkeling in Redang that Berny and me almost have to kidnap her in order to have this lunch.

We had lunch at Rak Thai (a Thai restaurant in Gardens). The food was so-so but the laughter we shared was endless. The two ladies haven't been to Gardens before so we've decided to take a stroll there after lunch but aborted the idea after 20 minutes of walking bcos we hardly looked at any shops but at each other so we decided to continue our talk at Big Apple Donuts. I think they had fun hearing about my mid life crisis stories. I wasn't even sure I had one. But we laughed so hard!! Five hours passed so quick and it's time to say goodbye. Bhav promised to return soon maybe in Dec again this year. We hugged and blew kisses (Bhav has another appointment to catch).

Almost Heaven - Judith McNaught

I was somewhere on page 5 or so when felt like 'deja vu'. Wait a minute, how come I felt as if I know how the story goes? I scrutinised the book again. It's an old new book. Translate: I bought the book somewhere in September 07 (old) and no I haven't read it yet (new). I like to own most books that I read, so I'm pretty sure I didn't buy this book before and accidentally bought another one again. I searched the book shelves again, just to be sure. Nope this is the only copy I have. But the storyline and the characters somehow is quite familiar to me. Then I started testing myself on what will happen next and true enough I sort of remember the story. Needless to say I finished the book within a day. After 'the end' I concluded I must had read the one that belongs to my youngest sis-in law. If I'm not mistaken she had the same book in her room. Yeah, that's it! That's where I read the book before. Anyways I do like the story So I guess, no harm done on reading it the second time around. Don't know why but I cried buckets while reading it (LOL so what's new?) Okay so on with the next book.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

with this ring ...

My family together with my in-laws who came down, went to a wedding reception last Saturday night. It belongs to my husband's older cousin. Semoga Berkekalan hingga ke Anak cucu (May it last a life time). Amen.
Here's a snap shot of the happy occassion: