Monday, December 21, 2009

The Girls by Lori Lansens

I started reading the book about 2-3 months ago. The book is about a conjoined twin sisters whom see or rather face the world side by side all their lives. They were 'suppose' to be the oldest living craniophagus twins. I somehow have a problem with story being fictional. I wanted it to be a real deal so I can empathize with the characters which I can't with this book. Soon I lost interest and stopped reading altogether.

On Dec 2, I picked the book again and continued from where I had left on page 119. By this time I already forgot who's Rose and who's Ruby? Nevertheless, the book managed to pique my interest again. I especially enjoyed the flash back love story on the twins adopted parents. Where instead of saying I love you to each other, Uncle Stash (father) will hold his heart and look into Aunt Lovey (mother)eyes and say You. And Aunt Lovey will reply You with a smile or a nod. Aaww ...

Cant say I enjoyed the book. But I'm glad I finally finished reading it. Not able to finish a book to me felt like wasting food (although the food may not taste so good or even not to my liking, but it is food nontheless).

I found this quotation on page 307:
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Janda Baik escapade

An old schoolmate invited our family to his vacation home in Janda Baik, Pahang last weekend. We didnt spend the night there (unlike other friends) due to hubby's other engagement on the next day. After 1hr drive from KL, we reached 'Selindong'. The kids had a blast - swimming in the shallow river, touring the animal's farm within the house compound while I can't stop admiring the beauty of the house itself which is to me like a replica of an old Malacca palace. It was just so beautiful.

It was a fabulous afternoon for all of us. We almost hate to say goodbye.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


It was one day before the Aidil Adha public holiday. Both hubby and me took leave to take the family to PD but before leaving KL, I had one request to my hubby - bring me to one of the biggest, boldest book sales aptly named the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale. And he said OK. Yipee!! We soon realised that hundreds of KLites were thinking of the same thing. We were stucked in a long que just to park the car. I went off first in order to safe time (we had a hotel reservation to chase later in the afternoon) whilst hubby tried to find a parking space. It was a Thursday and a working day.

To my dismay, there was another long que before one can get into the sale venue. Malaysians and sales! That's what we all have in common irregardless of race and age :))

An hour later, I came out with 6 new books and 2 house magazines for me and 4 books for the kids. With that I now have ... 22 books (really??) in my to read list. Mustnt say that out loud. Hubby already complained that I didnt read this one (very) thick book he bought for me. Soon was my reply. For me reading a book really much depends on what kind of mood I am. So that's why I keep a lot of genres with me. Just in case :)

I'm currently reading 3 books. Not all together but one after another. No joke. There's this one book which took me forever to finish hence I took another book just to spice up my attention. Lost? So am I.

I better take my shower now. Have a good week everyone.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Angela Ashes - the movie

Finally we made it. The third activity of the Not-So Bookclub of Sisterhood (and Kite Runner)Society was to watch Angela Ashes. We did it last weekend during the Aidil Adha holiday at our last venue - Kak Lin's house in Sri Iskandar. The usual members were there except for kak long (my eldest sis-in law) who's attending her daughter's graduation in London (and is still there, as I'm writing this).

I enjoyed the movie but I adored the book 10 times more. It probably be just a film for some who havent read the book but for Angela Ashes (the book) fans, the said book leave a lasting impression long after you have read it. Nevertheless, all the child actors in the movie was so convincing and adorable. I can imagine Frank McCourt and his brothers running around in the rain in cold, cold Limerick. Thanks to Kerry who was the one who alerted me about the existence of the said movie ^_^

Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Moon the movie

I had wanted to post this for several days ago but due to technical glitches (I dont know how to download the pic from my ehem ... new phone) that I had to postpone it until I figure out the how-to.

After days of anticipating, it finally here. I've received 2 passes to the premier screening from a colleague who knows I'm a fan of both the books and the previous Twilight movie. And for New Moon the movie... I luurvvvee it!!! No doubt everytime Edward or Jacob appeared .. or did something .. or even something happened to them on screen, you can hear the girls when aawww.. ahhh.. omg!! ... etc. Which was quite comical actually. The were many Team Jacob fans who came for the premier show (judging from the gushes everytime he appeared on screen) and there were even Team Volturi fans who came complete with their costume. Black cape and all. Ha!ha! But in all honesty Volturi's wears such lavish attire. I'm talking Twilight's language here. But what's not so good about it was that all 3 kissing scenes were chopped off by I presume our censorship board to appear shorter. Can you believe it - they sensored kissing scenes. Hmm ... Nevertheless I'm so glad that Chris Weizt (the director) is genius enough to let Edward appear more often on screen to satisfy the Edward-thirst vampire fans. Unlike in the book. Okay enough said.

I'm happy to say that my hubby enjoyed the movie too ^_^ He's interest is of cos towards Alice (the cutest vampire) which I totally am okay with. I'm sooo greatful that he want to see the movie with me, knowing how obssesed I am with the books.

Bottom line is he didnt doze off like he did in Angels and Demon. And for that I'm thankful. Oh I cant wait for the third movie - Eclipse.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hong Kong pics - final

These are the final pics of my recent trip. Our last day in HK was spent at Bauhinia Square, Sampan (small boat) ride and at this beach where Jackie Chan has one of his house on top of the hill.

Later in the evening we took a ferry to Zhuhai, China where another shopping iterinary awaits us. Phew! The city is literary across the road from Macau! But we didnt get to see much of Macau except for on our way to its airport the next day. Nevertheless on that short bus ride I got to see about 5-6 of the tiny country's 33 casinos.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hong Kong pics part 2

Second day was dedicated to shopping, Disneyland and more shopping. Although it looked like we (hubby and me) spent a lot of time at HK Disneyland but actually we didnt. I think we stayed for about 2 hrs in there and left the rest of the group to venture on our own. Armed with train maps and comfy Crocs we find our own way to HK busy, hip and happening shops and places. I think that was fun. We had no idea where we were everytime we dropped off from the train but just walked and enjoyed ourselves and just making sure we have enough change to take the train back.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hong Kong - pics part 1

Finally I am back in the bloggersphere after (was it 3 weeks?) hiatus. I have no idea why. These are pics of my short visit to Hong Kong. Fun Madame Tussauds and breathtaking view of Victoria Peak were the agendas. Both hubby and me had so much fun taking silly poses at MT. I am sorting out pics for part 2. So keep watching for that one. Btw, the above fridge magnet made it to number 91 on my fridge :)

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I love the way you're breakin my heart by Nicki Parrott

I'm going away for the next 4 days to HK. But before I do, I'm posting this beautiful song (I think originally sang by Peggy Lee) but an equally good rendition here by Nicki Parrott. I think you will enjoy it too.
Till then. Ta da.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Team Edward

26 days and counting before New Moon the movie hits the theatre.
I am sooo looking forward to see this. Although New Moon is my least favourite book in the series (I came to the conclusion after reading all 4 books in the series) but who in her right(or crazy) mind ignore Edward Cullen especially on silver screen? He's like the James Dean of vampires. That's the reason of why this book became my least favourite bcos Edward only appear in the beginning and at the end. But when he does ... all hell freezes over!!
But until then 25, 24, 23 ... *sigh*

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chick flick movies

Last weekend was the last week of Syawal, meaning people were rushing to hold their open houses and inviting friends and relatives. We had 3 invitations in one Saturday afternoon. Needless to say, at the last house we showed up out of courtesy but couldn't eat much. I did eat a bit although I was really fulled as not too offend the host.

Back to the post title. Although I can't stand book of the same genre but movies fortunately or not (depends) I can. Most often than not, I dont indulge myself in watching TV (prefer book instead) but when I do watch ... oh boy I can go on and on! Case in point, last weekend where I took advantage of the long Diwali weekend holidays and watched 3 movies of the said genre. It nearly went to four titles if I didnt stop myself from watching Nottinghill ... again. My brain has become fuzzy and mushy due to love stories overload ... but I enjoyed it all ^_^ Below are the cute movies according to sequence - watched by yours truly.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

by Mary Ann Shaffer and Anne Barrows.

I read this book quite some time back - during the raya breaks. It took me only 4 days.

I looooovvvveee this book. It's funny, witty and at many points sad but without being too over bearing.

As the title suggest, it is about a book club which was formed out of neccessity and where the focus of the book was at first to understand the meaning and logic behind the club's name. Slowly the focus shifted to its members, the book they were reading (if there was any book, to begin with), their war torn surroundings and finally to certain individuals whom you cannot help but fell in like with.

On page 111, instead of reading a published book to the club members, a certain member decided to read a book which she wrote herself. She claimed that her book had caused 'more tears and sorrow than anything that Charles Dickens ever wrote'. Why? Because they were in the midst of World War 2 with the German soldiers swarming their island situated across the English Channel in the middle between UK and France. With food ration, no meat diet and surviving on potatoes for many, many cold months and not even wood to burn - this woman is reading out loud her self-wrote book on the correct way to roast a suckling pig to her nearly famished audiences!!!

Map of the English ChannelImage via Wikipedia

I also like the one-liner back and forth notes from one of the book's character with one of her suitor. Which to me was uncharacteristically modern for a story meant to be in 1946 but didnt spoil the flow of the story. The book has plenty of this. Short notes that made me laughed out loud ie. Benjamin's Cook Book for Girl Guides where the writer assumes reader has no idea what-so ever on cooking hence hint like 'when adding eggs, break shell first'.

Since I was in the fast forward mode of reading the book so I was still at it in the wee hours of morning. I reached to a part where a very important character died. I cried. Stopped reading. Went down to the kitchen. Made coffee. Carried 2 pieces of biscuits and the mug of coffee into my room before continuing my read.

I did make some speculation on the lead characters love interest and was pleasantly surprised to learn that I was wrong. How very interesting to not be able to predict - the plot.

Amongst all I can't agree more to this line I found on page 58:
'Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books'.
I finished reading at 0320hrs in the morning.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Kite Runner the movie

200px-Kite_Runner_filmImage by chrisuemach via Flickr

The second unofficial activity of the Not-So Bookclub of Sisterhood (and Kite Runner) Society after of cos reading the said book was watching the movie. It was unplanned but since all of us sisters, me - sis in laws and niece had read the book (well some were in the midst of reading the book and one not yet but will soon) and we were all excitingly exchanging notes with each other that we've decided on the 4th raya when all of us will be at one of my sis-in law house in Sri Iskandar that we will book the tv from our husbands and children and watch the movie.
The scene was like watching a movie at TGV cinema at the Gold class (but better) where we had K. Kema's coffee prepared and popcorn was replaced with muruku. The children were shoos away and some brave husbands tried to join the viewing only to quit less than 15 minutes except for Abg Helmi whom stay put (either out of courtesy since it is his house or he has nothing better to do :)).
There were plenty of dont tell me what happen next, do tell what happen, who is this guy, why did he do that etc. In short everything you would expect from a bunch of women, watching Kite Runner at 11pm after being deeply moved by the book.
So our next mission ... to watch Angela Ashes the movie. On Raya Haji perhaps?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wilder Sisters by Jo-Ann Mapson

'Destrozado' she said, using the Spanish word for 'broken' heart.

This is where I cried. Dont know why but somehow I felt the character's anguish in this story where she can barely speak of her sorrow. And somehow she's searching for some traditional remedy to make her forget her 'unreturn' love.

Ahh ... a love story. Yes but not entirely. It's about two sisters whom are poles apart in character but fiercely protective of each other. It took me almost a month to finish this. I was not in a hurry. After Kite Runner, I need something light, an unmemorable title to dilute my thoughts. This book served it purpose.

Towards the end of the book there is this prayer mentioned which I kinda like and wanna share it here: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen, to that.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Post Eid Mubarak

Masjid Ubudiah MosqueImage by Richard Pluck via Flickr

but the celebration continues ...

I have no excuse for not updating my blog more frequently.

I would like to say that one of the reason is my lack of internet access back at my hometown (which is partly true) but even when I did get a connection (like at my sis-in law house in Sri Iskandar) all I did was typed in a few lines so my fellow blogger friends come followers ( I only have two) will know why I'm m.i.a

I truly can relate to the phrase that busy people get more work done compare to if you have all the time in the world ... like I do during my one week leave whereby I tend to slouch around ... off from everything even thinking hmm ... another word to that is l.a.z.y

And so the Eid ul Fitr celebration/holiday was at full gear last week and even as I'm writing this (lucky me or ... not depends on how one look at it) bcos it is being celebrated over a month long. I like to think that most people are like me, whereby I will gain all 30 days of fasting in Ramadhan (if there was ever any reduce in my weight at all) within the first day of Syawal itself. Blame it on all those delicious ketupat palas, lemang, rendang and off the shelves cookies but never on my weakness to glutton temptation *sigh*

Another good thing that comes with Eid Mubarak apart from the long holiday and good food was of cos the gathering of relatives and siblings under one roof. I know my mom was ecstatic to have us (siblings including son in law minus my younger brother whom celebrated 1st day of raya at his wife's hometown) reciting yasin (quran verses) at my father's grave in the early morning of 1st Syawal right after the Eid ul Fitr prayers at the village surau (a smaller version of a mosque). This is our first raya without my father. That explains my mom lack of interest to bake her own cookies this year. Except for the raya cookies, my mom did cook all her other delicious specialities which all of us can't live without.

The gathering of sistership (4 sis in-law and me ) this year had a new twist. I like to think of it as the born of The Not-So book club of Sisters (and Kite Runner) Society or something like that. Stay tune to that in my next post ^_^

And of cos, what is days off without books? I finished reading two books which satisfied me to the max.

Tomorrow is back to work. I received a text last Friday evening from the GM's office. The secretary texted me to say that I have a 0900hr session with the new GM on Monday morning.
Until then, I have the whole Sunday (today) to enjoy!!

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Salam Mubarak

I'm on one week raya leave which started last Saturday Sept 19. Been very busy chasing deadlines and clearing office's tasks so I can go on leave in peace.

I suppose to leave the office at 4:00pm. I agreed to an impromptu meeting at 3:30pm. 'It will take only 20 minutes the most' said the Accounts Manager. After I said yes to her, my new GM phoned to ask for a summary of all our studios booking in October so she could add in another new channel bookings. 'I thought I catch you before you leave for your raya celebration' she said.

I managed to convinced the Media Sales lady boss that there's nothing wrong with my department's invoices to them and she should start paying us, so the meeting ended in 10 minutes. And I pulled out my thumbdrive to retrive my monthly report and after minor tweeking on the format, posted it to my GM.

Said my goodbye in haste before something else comes up.

Salam Aidil Fitri everybody. Happy Holiday.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

One sheep, two sheep, zillionth sheep

Tribute in LightImage by Tattooed JJ via Flickr

It's 2 minutes to 0300am in the morning and I'm still wide awake. This is what one and half plastic cups of San Francisco extreme caffein do to you. I had that this evening after our family had our 'breaking of fast' at a western food restaurant.

Even after 2 hours of tossing and turning, one and half our of reading (and cried too) and a glass of tropical fruit punch, here I am still very much awake. So I've decided to log into my notebook and write this in.

Another one and a half hour, I will have to wake up for 'sahur' (pre-dawn eating). Not sure how I'm gonna survive tomorrow (technically it is already tomorrow). Sure glad its a Sunday!!

I can hear that it's already started to rain outside. Maybe that will help lull me to sleep.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Favourite past time or plain greed?

2 weeks before Ramadhan started, I managed to persuade hubby to check out a book sale. He reluctantly agreed with spesific warning that I adhere to to the time limit of 1.5 hours. Okaayyy ... I agreed too eagerly which didnt convinced him which lead to another round of lecture in the car as we were making our way there. He knew me too well.
When it comes to books ... his wife can turn into a monster that lose all sense of time, care, even responsibility to her own family !!! tsk!tsk!
On another thought, being a reading and entertaining monster sure could count for something? Isnt it? Hi! hi!
But I'm happy to report that yes I adhered to my time limit and now I'm a proud owner of 8 more new/old books and that gives me a total of 18 books in my to read list. Hmm ... no wonder greed is listed as one of the deadly sins.
ps/ Kak lin, I have Frank McCourt 3rd book (I can lend it to you) and Kerry, I bought Anne Rice ...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Danish turn 11

My eldest son Danish turned 11 today. We celebrated at TGIF where we break our fast.

The food

Danish with his mp3 present

TGIF staffs singing Happy Birthday to Danish (he was quite nervous and shy about it)

Monday, August 31, 2009

31 August

Jalur GemilangImage by aaron.knox via Flickr

1 Malaysia.
That's the theme of our National Day which is today. Again it stresses on unity especially amongst the different races.
I posted a similar entry two years ago and what amaze me is that we (or at least the Goverment) still believes that we are still un-united.
Recently we lost Yasmin Ahmad. A prominent figure in loudly declaring her vision of 1 Malaysia thru her many tv commercials and films. I for one, will surely miss her much anticipated, emotional tvc during festive seasons and of cos during merdeka celebration too. When the rest of my family (hubby and kids) will watch me closely when the said tvc is aired just to see that I shed tears and usually without fail (they really got a kick out of it). Well, that will not happen this year I guess. May you rest in peace Y.A and may Allah bless you.

My thoughts are still the same as 2 years ago when I posted this entry on unity.

Happy 52nd Merdeka, Malaysia.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ramadhan arrives

Marhaban ya RamadhanImage by bhima @ flickr via Flickr

I havent been updating my blog as often as I want to. Not only that, I didnt even have the time to log into the internet in what feels the longest time. Reason to it, I shall reveal shortly.

Today is the 6th day of Ramadhan. It's the fasting month. The first day of fasting coincide with the one week school break which was a relieved to my boys especially Danial whom is still trying to adjust school activity and fasting at the same time. He didnt fast on the first day bcos he didnt has sahur (eating before dawn break) so I refuse to allow him to fast so he will understand the importance of sahur (to supply him the energy needed for the whole day to sustain his fast). He was quite annoyed when I made a big fuss to those whom fast to get priority during the breaking of fast especially to his older brother. So he made a promise to wake up for sahur at 4:45am every morning which he did.

My mom is staying with our family for almost a week plus already. So she's been preparing delicious meals for all of us. Last Sunday she made her famous nasi tomato (tomato rice) and I invited my brother's family to break fast together with us. She made popiah and kuah durian for me too and I learned to make roti jala (to eat with kuah durian) yummy! Another way to entice my children to eat more during sahur is to get them 'serunding' (beef floss) which they like to eat with rice. I use to buy one container after another every week for them and it is not cheap. I bought 2 kilos of beef recently and my mom made the serunding and we got 10 containers to my boys delight. So that settle the boys problem of what to eat during sahur.

Tomorrow we are sending my mom back to my hometown in Damar Laut and will also take the chance to visit my in-laws in Ipoh. So after this back to the usual routine, I'll be beating the traffic and making my way to pasar Ramadhan (market) every day after work to buy stuffs for our 'berbuka'.

During this fasting month, I find myself grew sleepy and tired easily. Ten thirty is the most for me. My eye lids will go very heavy further than that so that explains why I dont even have the time to venture into the internet hence no update on my blog. My body is still adjusting to waking up that early every morning. But I will do best to update more :)

Here's wishing every Muslim - Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

Abu Huraira related that the Prophet said: If a person does not avoid false talk and false conduct during Siyam, then Allah does not care if he abstains from food and drink (Bukhari, Muslim).

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Post birthday

I celebrated my birthday last Friday Aug the 14th. Happy to announce that I can still keep the title of by blog -thirty something ^_^

The work in progress meeting ends at about 1145hr. I rushed back to my desk and was met with a surprise birthday cake from my colleagues.

I took half day leave and went out for lunch at Tony Roma's at Mid Valley with hubby and Danish since Danial is still at school.

At night, we continued the celebration with another round of makan-makan at Uptown Hawker Centre. Yong Tau Fu Teluk Intan, fried kuey teow, nasi ayam, nasi goreng cina, rojak and my favourite air limau asam boi were the order of the night. Heaven ...

Hubby also bought me a leo charm to add to my silver Thomas Sabo charm bracelet. Bliss ^_^

All in all, it was a very good day. A wonderful prelude to the weekend.

Have a good week ahead everybody.

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