Sunday, September 23, 2007

After 19 years

I had a mini reunion of my high school batch last Friday. It was for the breaking of fast. We usually do this once a year. But I can't make it last year. It was a last minute arrangement and both me n hubby confirmed just a day before. We had the gathering dinner at this small but beautiful Balinese-themed restaurant called Bora Asmara. Ambient wise, it was excellent but I cant say the same for the food, maybe bcos I was paying more attention to my old school mates rather than the food they served. In short, I didn't eat much. They served traditional Malay and Indonesian food. And I was hoping for ...oyster or sushi perhaps or at least international cuisine/buffet. But food was not my main agenda that nite, although I was fasting.

Some friends I haven't met since I last left my Alma mater in 1988. While most ladies maintained their slim figure, most guys were not that lucky. I'm proud to note that my hubby is one of the lucky ones. I know some people are reluctant to go to school reunion for many reasons. But I had fond memories and furthermore I still keep in touch with many of my school friends. I did take a few photos from my mobile handphone but since the restaurant lights were too dimmed it didn't turned out nice. Guess i have to wait for some other friends to post me their pics. One thing good about the dimmed lights was - it hides away those laugh lines and wrinkle on our faces. Ha! Ha! Vain me!

We had plenty of laughs, kissing and hugging and of cos reminiscing about the good old days and I had too much sugar from the dessert! Left the place at about 1000pm, in time to catch my favourite Korean drama - Lover at 1030pm. The next day I suffered a mild gastritis, but I still managed to continue my fasting.

Until next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww ur fasting...sorry abt the gastritis.
ru okay now?
ohhhh i really hate these laugh lines lol
gotta do facelift in future!!