Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Brown Eyes Vol 1 - Already a year ...

It's finally here. I heard Reason 4 Breathing courtesy of a friend before and decided I must have it. It turned out that this group had released a vol 1 before so I bought both. I still havent had enough of the first one (which happens to be the 2nd album -am I making any sense here?). Managed to buy it from the net last week and it arrives today.

I'm already liking the first 2 tracks and I know I'm gonna like all the songs. Sadly, this duo is no longer together. Oh they made such beautiful music! Just brilliant!


Anonymous said...

oh i didnt know koreans look like this picture!
looking very COOL!!

GMG said...

Hi Leo,
Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog. I just left Bali and I’m posting on Singapore at Blogtrotter.
Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

leo said...

gmg - one asean country to the other eh? u r such a jet setter! yup there are humid alright! i visited Spore last year during christmas holiday.

niki - u can say that again. i was shocked myself. these duo are really good.

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Hi Leo-hope you are having a nice weekend-enjoy your new CD!