Thursday, September 13, 2007

Spirit of Ramadhan

Today mark the first day of Ramadhan in Malaysia. Muslims will fast from dawn till dusk. Except for my 5 year old son Danial (who claimed this morning that he is fasting after finishing a bowl of cereal ;-)), all of us in the family is fasting including my 9 year old who didnt even miss a day of the entire holy month last year. Pretty impressive for a boy his age.

Actually Ramadhan month means more than just refraining oneself from eating and drinking. It's a blessed month marked by prayers, fasting and charity. Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, Muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor. Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind. And in this most sacred month, fasting helps Muslims feel the peace that comes from spiritual devotion as well as kinship with fellow believers -Holly Hartman ( In short, Ramadhan means more than just hunger and thirst. He who does not desist from obscene language and acting obscenely, Allah has no need that he did not eat or drink -(Bukhari, Muslim).

I am far from being a perfect Muslim. But what Ramadhan teaches me most is humility and moderation. Whenever Ramadhan arrives, I felt a sense of calm in me and it reflected in my actions. Indeed the Spirit of Ramadhan should lives in every Muslim for the entire year not just 30 days.

As we remember the Sept 11 tragedy, let us pray that irresponsible people do not repeat such act and claimed it to be in the name of a religion. Nobody deserves to be a victim in such tragedy - not the Americans, nor the Palestinians, nor Iraqis, nor Balinese and not the South Koreans. Not anyone!!!

Above all the spirit of Ramadhan reminds me to correct/educate/prepare/forgive myself . I would like to borrow a line from Michael Jackson's (Man in the Mirror)'If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change'. So let us make ourselves be a better person instead of judging or questioning others.

Ramadhan Al Mubarak (Blessed Ramadhan)to all


Anonymous said...

cleansing body is a great idea!
i have done a little ramadhan, coz my bosses are muslim :)
it is absolutely peaceful when they finish at 5:45pm and serve snack and tea.

leo said...

wow niki, kudos to you. it's not an easy thing to observe, unless of cos if one usually fast for health/medical purposes. hope you have peace. *hugs*