Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Urban Legend

I was looking up for a photo to match my entry, this is the scariest by far! My youngest son sticking his tongue out. Ha! Ha! Cruel me. I bet if I stick my tongue out like that, it will be more ugly and scarier looking!

Anyways, the whole of last week had been predominantly conquered by the news about a missing 9 year old girl. She was missing about a month and her body was found last week in a bag. DNA test matches hers. So since last week, I kept reminding my sons almost to the point of nagging, to stick close to us every time we go off at shopping centers and not to wonder far. Trust my children to start asking difficult questions. Why cant they just stop at the 5Ws (what, when, why, who, hoW). No they must come out with how come, why not etc. etc. I wish I can just say 'bcos I said so'. Nope, no such luck.

I remembered when I was young. It was so easy to frighten me. When I was at my son's age, I had this phobia about this man who cycles around the neighbourhood to cut grass. He had this curved knife/cutter whatever you called it which he used to
cut grass and also ...cut little children's head! The heads will be thrown into the sea somewhere near Penang to ease the 'guardian' so that the new bridge can be build without much complication. Since it is a long bridge so they need a lot of heads.. children heads. Don't ask where I got the idea but almost all kids know about this. There's one time, when I was alone in the house and my mom had gone to my aunt's house 2 doors away and he came to my house, went round and round the house calling for it's occupants. Maybe he wanted to ask whether we would like him to cut our garden grass but I was too scared to even move a muscle. After the longest time, my mom came back and found me still under the bed, drowning in my sweat. And I could see that she was trying hard not to laugh at me when I relate the story to her. Anyways, that 'urban legend' enough to keep me indoors most of the time.

Hmm..I wonder if it works on my boys, ^__^ (wicked, wicked)


Anonymous said...

awww cute boyyy!!
he will be a handsome actor :)
and what a lovely urban legend lol
i was also scared while reading it.. thankeee!!

leo said...

niki - but i want him to bcome a handsome astronaut!!:))he! he! hope i dont scare you too much. i know there are a lot of urban legends out there. Thanks for visiting me, Niki.